I wanna make a comments on moving and co-gms. Firstly, I don't think were should move. This is twilight's thread and his rp. Altering and taking the rp away from him is a bit of a kick in the guts, especially with the hardship he's going through. The best thing were can do for him is show that he has a great idea and we have kept it alive for as long as possible. Secondly, with co-gms I don't believe that because someone was in a previous version that they should automatically be entitled to a co-gm position. That's a bit dictatorship with said person receiving the role when other candidates could be better. What we should do is vote in someone based on merit and what we have seen, but vote in as many co-gms as the forum allows. We can ask a mod to make those thread changes and changes and keep the thread going. Bare in mind however that if twilight comes back and boots these co-gms, they cannot argue back as it is his his puppy and his word is law. Now I might remind people that the co-gm position means that they will be there to control any disputes and arguments. They should not be able to control the story but ask the community what they would like to happen and guide them with plot points and milestones. I speak of this because I know some RPs have some strict storymode but without the know-how of the GM, we are essentially on our own. [@Chexmix] like the idea of an aggressive nation or missing people. One suggestion I thought of is that they advanced on ahead in order to cut off the party.