[b]Ellis[/b] Ellis turned around and felt a little comfort in them calming their tits. Then dwarf called him a fool for listening or believing in Ceris. He snorted. "If she wants to take control of a pint sized midget she can go right ahead. If you haven't noticed we halflings are not exactly intimidating. She would be the worse lich in all the seven kingdoms." He responded to that. He then pointed at the twin water falls once more. "Who do you think told me in the first place?..." He said. He then looked to Hugh. "Sorry for my choice of words.... Also, yeah Ceris did corrupt me. The same way Sana corrupted you.... Women do that. The only one immune to their succubus stair is the guy screaming at the top of his longs." He then mumbled under his breathe to Vivian. "Of all the men lass you had to want the guy that has never been given the bees and birds talk..." He then gave a thumbs up to Ellyn. "You were the only who actually took my side as I predicted." He tilted his head at Bjoric. "You,... Acted differently. I expect you were going to kill me above all else... I was wrong I apologize. I think Ceris is more the fool.... Of all the people she could possess in the party and she chose me.... If only she knew I was a greedy son of a... Anyhow" he stopped and moved away and began to move towards the waterfalls. He suddenly felt a urge... A very bodily urge. "Of all the damned times..." He held onto his groin region and moved to find a spot where no one would see. Then it hit him. There was one new member in the party that will always see him pee. This made him frown with a sigh. He then closed his eyes and let it loose hoping she wouldnt see. "It doesnt work that way you know.." He sighed and shrugged. "Nope you will not ruin this moment for me...." He heard a giggle within his head. "I take it back you are the weirdest lich i ever known."... Im the only lich you meet. Also didnt choose this life. If I never meet the devour I would still be a apprentice to a mage. "Wait..... You were a mage in training?" He said out loud. Yup,... I had a rival who was at ten years the idiot summoned Eliphad in his basement to surpass me and prove his worth... It didnt go as he planned. Ellis grimaced picturing it. "You know the others might not care for your opinion ,but why do you think the mages guild want your chalice?..." Ask the dwarf what would be the best way to blackmail a lich.... Ellis nodded tying up his pants and moving out of his spot he hid in. "Hey Bjoric,... What would be the best way to blackmail a lich?..." He asked. Then once more like a brick it hit him. "Holy shit.... To destroy a lich you destroy its phylactery. Poccess the phylactery, and you got yourself a lich slave...." He answered his own question. Bingo my friend. [b]Vivian[/b] Vivian shrugged at the dwarf. "Fine i wont use it.... Although it would be useful to do something naughty without anyone seeing." She said. She then looked to Sana. "Speaking of which... Sana,...Ellyn. We have to talk.. In private.. Girl stuff." She said. She then watched the little man run off to do his business. Then she began thinking. None of them have used a bathroom sense they left nor ate. That thought made her stomach growl. "Great... Thanks Ellis." Then the little man came back and asked Bjoric something and Ellis spelled it out plain as day. She blinked and looked to the rest. "We were played... I bet they were not even going to pay us. They just said 1000 gold coins to entice us to do it." [b]Garekk[/b] Garekk sighed..."i hate mages...." He said with a grumble. "You know what... Lets hit my place on the way back so I can... Better equip a certain elf." He said gesturing to Ellyn. "Ellyn,... You would be deadly with a great axe jus saying.. You swing like a lumberjack." He added. He then looked at the notches on her instrument. Even cracks formed. "There is also your harp... Look at it. It needs reinforcements if your going to smash heads with it."