[b]Name:[/b] The Man in Black [b]Nickname:[/b] Mr. Black [b]Race:[/b] Agent [b]Gender:[/b] Mr. Black has no genitalia. Mr. Black is smooth like a Ken doll. Neither does Mr. Black have any recognizable prints, scent, identifiable gait, retinal pattern, or anything of that nature. Appearance: [img]http://i.imgur.com/LqM4Np1.jpg[/img] [b]Job:[/b] On the 22nd of every other month, The Agency wires exactly fourteen thousand, one hundred and forty-six dollars and thirty-nine cents to Mr. Black's expense account. [b]Personality:[/b] Mr. Black is an amnesiac. Mr. Black's head is a vague, shifting morass of contradicting information pertaining to The Agency and its activities. The Agency is Mr. Black's life. For as long as Mr. Black has existed, he has worked for The Agency. The Agency has many names. The Agency is Illuminati. The Agency is the Freemasons. The Agency is Mr. Black. The Agency is the Council of Zion. The Agency is the Fourth Reich. The Agency is the Red Hat Society. Mr. Black is extremely loyal to The Agency. Mr. Black is a cog in the machine. He is The Agency's greatest weapon in their fight against The Agency. Every day at 11 AM, Mr. Black relieves a call from The Agency with his daily directives. Once upon a time Mr. Black missed this call. Very bad things happened. Mr. Black does not like to miss this call. Mr. Black knows his life is worthless compared to the secrets of The Agency. Mr. Black will willingly give his life to conceal the motives of The Agency. The Agency is all. [b]Fable:[/b] MIB In every country, going back as far as political systems have existed, there have been rumors of an enormous ur-government of incredible power and influence that existed only to keep some particular culture oppressed. The Elders of Zion, Freemasons, Illuminati- the concept of a shadow government has enraptured people's minds for centuries. Eventually, there came to be another aspect to the stories: The Men in Black. Mysterious men dressed in a white shirt, a black suit, black shoes, black socks, and a black tie who appear to silence those who had seen something they shouldn't have. Commonly sighted in groups of three, they travel in remarkably well-preserved 1950's black Cadillacs (1960's Jaguars in European countries) and appear capable of appearing and vanishing at will. Sometimes, they're associated with the government. Other times, they're considered to be aliens or supernatural creatures in their own right. See also: [url=http://www.theforbiddenknowledge.com/hardtruth/real_men_in_black.htm]Here[/url] and [url=http://disinfo.com/2011/05/beware-of-the-real-men-in-black/]Here[/url] [b]Abilities:[/b] Mr. Black can become completely unnoticeable, or draw all attention to himself. Not even machines notice Mr. Black unless Mr. Black wants them to. Mr. Black has a special voice that makes mundies and their things listen very carefully and do what he says. If Mr. Black asks for something, they give it to him. If Mr. Black tells them to forget something, they forget. If he tells them to talk, they tell him their story. Mr. Black finds this very useful. If Mr. Black is in trouble, he can call in his colleagues Mr. Black and Mr. Black to help him. Mr. Black is rarely in trouble. Finally, Mr. Black has ties to The Agency. The Agency knows Mr. Black. They give Mr. Black resources and information that he needs to do his job. Mr. Black's job is very important. [b]Other:[/b] Who is Mr. Black?