Hugh simply stood letting the dwarf rant on over his anger, taking a rather unexpected side. Hugh shrugged and waved it all off. There was nothing more to be said. Everything had been vented. When Ellis spoke to him, hinting at Sana being akin to a succubus. Hugh growled, "Don't ever say shit like that around me." He waved him off and walked away tucking his thumbs into his belt. He didn't really have pockets, so there was only that for him to hold onto. He gave a sigh, as Vivian took off with the Sana and Ellyn under the premise of 'girl talk'. He felt a like kicking rocks and getting out of their to find his horse Rodger. But he preferred to wait for Sana. With that, he headed over to Artos, and spoke up. "You've mentioned it several times, and I'm sorry I had never asked, but, who were the paladins from my old order that you met? Who were the survivors?" He found that they had the time for this little banter and it had been itching at his skull for a long time. He wondered, who in heaven's name could have survived? How did they survive? Did they live it out the same way he had, throwing down arms as paladins and heading off to live a simple life as farmers or something? Perhaps settled down to find healing? Or did they seek out revenge against those who brought it all down around them? Hopefully, whoever they were, they were sane and mentally there. Maybe they were older than Hugh.