Sana perked a brow as she watched Ellyn blow up and gasped slightly as she struck Bjoric with her harp. "That was a first," she said with a slight chuckle. Ellyn striking out was all the proof she needed that thing had gone too far. Looking around she sighed deeply and started to move towards the exit. Then she heard Ellis. Oddly no anger rose in her, no want to snap or lash out. Sana simply turned and looked at him disheartened. "Not corruption. A good man is only made stronger by his woman. A good woman would leave her man before she would corrupt him," she said in a peaceful voice. Sana would rather be alone than to corrupt Hugh, or any of them. Friendship, love, and trust were not things built on corruption. They weren't about making someone who they weren't. It was about bringing out what was good and pure in another. It was truly that simple to Sana. It was one reason Sana had been alone for so long. So many had the idea convoluted that these things were meant to make them feel better about themselves. When in truth it was there to help the ones you cared for feel better about themselves. It was the purest form of selflessness. Sana looked over at Vivian and shrugged lightly. "The money is no longer a factor to me, I wonder now if it truly ever was," she said, pondering to herself why she had agreed to team up in the first place. There were other jobs, finding the goat would have paid enough for a meal. Sana looked over to Hugh, seeing him speaking to Atros and decided to leave well enough alone. Turning she said not a word and wandered towards the water fall, letting it drench her if it was necessary to push to the exit and make her way to the surface. As far as she was concerned it was time to make sure Rodger was okay.