Let me know if I need to polish anything over. If there are typos, I blame my tablet. It just hates me, the poor thing. [hider=Tachibana Saho] [b]Username:[/b] Resentment Fray | [b]Character Name:[/b] Saho Tachibana [b]Character Age:[/b] 18 years, 7 months| [b]Character Gender:[/b] Female [/hider] [hider=Appearance] [b]Appearance:[/b] Tachibana's appearance is caught somewhere between a child's and punk rocker's. Apart from rolling out of bed (not on all days), brushing her teeth, and taking a shower, the young woman does little else to promote her appearance. Her ink black hair is cut short to avoid hassle although traces of dark blue hair dye can be seen from various years of highlights and other colorful ventures. Sloppy bangs obscure her eyes when sunglasses do not, although they are an alarmingly watery tawny color, like coffee heavily thinned by milk due to a childhood bout of fever that left Tachibana blind save for the murkiest perception of shadow and light. Her skin is rather pallid from the amount of time she spends indoors and is usually smudged with a stray nick or bruise. She stands at just 154 cm, making seem to be a rather passive or non - threatening figure but her file in the police database places her as being involved in several brawls. Despite being extremely scrawny and wiry, she posses a lean and hardened physique. Her crude tendencies and her toughened, usually sloppy appearance often have her mistaken for a boy, which Tachibana doesn't seem to correct often.[/hider] [hider=Powers] [b]Fourth Dimensional Power:[/b] Sound: Energy: [/hider] [hider=Biography] [b]Biography[/b] Born to two schoolteachers in Tokyo, Saho Tachibana enjoyed a relatively normal life even during the first years of the Fourth Dimensional scare. Following her encounter with meningitis at the age of six, Tachibana has all but completely lost her sight. She is able to distinguish light from the dark and motion, but she cannot see definite shapes or colors. It was soon afterwards that she began to develop an uncanny set of hearing faculties. With it came some startling stories that she told her parents. Convinced that her fantastic stories -- one of them being of a bizarre entity that otherworldly beings referred to as the all mighty Fourth Dimensional toe cheese-- would result in her being killed or kidnapped by the government or private research sector, they quickly scared her into keeping silent about her tendencies. They explained her sudden quietness as another effect of her childhood illness. At around age ten, Tachibana made a startling discovery as she began to attend her local dojo to begin training under her aunt, a local Goju Ryu karateka. She quickly noticed that every time she became frustrated, a burst of inexplicable color began to bloom at her hands and feet, sometimes even covering portions of her body in a second skin. Being blind at this stage in her life, she found these colors to be beyond the normal colors she had seen when she was still very young. While this would not affect the other children she practiced with, she still does not understand their properties. In order to better isolate herself, Tachibana attends college classes online and rarely leaves her apartment. She is a certified interpreter and works translating documents from her apartment on a freelance basis. It makes an income that is decent enough for her to survive and enjoy a few comforts.[/hider]