[h2]Steven Diggs[/h2] Steve looked up and saw underwear. He would have been confused, but this was Japan. She was simply displaying it in the interest of having buyers for it later. Two hands closed around the haft of the pipe wrench, ready to bat this poor underwear saleslady out of the sky when... WHACK! The eyepatch girl's legs slammed into Steve's, who had NOT seen that coming at all. He was looking at the sky, into the sun! How could he? He hit the ground with a painful crunch, head slamming against the tarmac and rendering him delirious almost immediately. "Did anyone get th'number... o' that BITCH," he managed to drone out in complete non sequitor before he fell unconscious. And then the cops showed up. [h2]School Quadrangle[/h2] Sirens, hundreds of them, flooded the air around the school as the Neo-Tokyo Police Force showed up en masse. Stomp stomp stomp was the sound of hundreds of boots hitting the ground as a veritable army of boys in blue responded to the threat of terrorists. And none too soon! The two terrorists had attacked a mechanic, attempting to kill him in cold blood! One of them had a left a GUN on the floor for any innocent child to pick up and fire! The amount of laws broken in this single incident mandated lengthy prison sentences! The stricken mechanic, girl with katana and eyepatch girl were rapidly surrounded by a team of heavily armed and armored riot police. One of them scooped up the Uzi left on the ground, ensuring a wandering child would not get curious. He would later receive a medal for bravery. Children and teachers sighed a sigh of relief as law enforcement had arrived to save them. From a megaphone in the army of police, and from every speaker in the school, boomed one statement. [h3]"[color=fff79a]PUT DOWN THE SWORDS AND THE GUNS! YOU ARE UNDER ARREST FOR TERRORISM, ASSAULT, ATTEMPTED MURDER, POSSESSION OF UNLICENSED AND PROHIBITED FIREARMS, POSSESSION OF UNLICENSED AND PROHIBITED BLADES, AND POSSESSION OF UNLICENSED AND PROHIBITED AMMUNITION![/color]"[/h3]