[b]Name:[/b] Guan Yu (He does not hide his name, merely laughing off the naming as a coincidence) [b]Nickname:[/b] Yunchang to those of his age or his sworn brothers [b]Race:[/b] Human Fable [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Appearance:[/b] In his Mundane form, Guan Yu is a tall, suit wearing oriental man with a truly glorious beard a foot and a half in length. His most prized possession is a jade green cane, which is more of an accessory as he does not need it to walk. When not disguising himself, however, he grows almost a foot in height and his clothes are replaced by those of a truly royal regalia, and his cane morphs into the Dragon Crescent Halberd that was his weapon in life. [hider=True Form][img]http://vignette2.wikia.nocookie.net/dynastywarriors/images/b/b5/Guan_Yu.jpeg/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/566?cb=20121209171547[/img][/hider] [b]Job:[/b] CEO of Celestial Life Insurance Pty Ltd [b]Personality:[/b] Guan Yu is a stalwart man who believes in justice and virtue. Above all else, he believes in loyalty to one's family and friends. Beyond his ideals, he is a calm and serious man, yet he possesses kindness and compassion and always has time for anyone who possesses grievances for him to hear. He truly aspires to his sworn brother's ideal of a world of benevolence, and brings it about by being benevolent himself. [b]Fable:[/b] Once upon a time in Chinese history there was a legendary figure named Guan Yu. Once the sworn brother of Liu Bei and Zhang Fei, he made his mark through his incorruptible honour and dedication to his brothers and their cause. His death at Fan Castle was only the beginning of his career, though, as the Chinese people petitioned their ancestors to allow Guan Yu to enter the Celestial Bureauocracy as the God of War. However, as a god he didn't necessarily bless those who go to battle but instead those who observed the code of brotherhood and righteousness. Eventually, as his popularity in the afterlife grew, he was elected by his descendants to the position of Celestial Emperor. When the Fables returned to the Mundane world, Guan Yu was pleased to find that China had blossomed in his absence, though he did not visit upon fear of being recognized. His image was everywhere, and removing his beard would be a most heinous crime against his own sensibilities. So instead, he went to the Americas, to Fable-town, and decided to continue his role as a custodian of the afterlife by providing people with security for their families when they inevitably passed on. And so it was that CLI Pty Ltd was formed, and through Guan Yu's benevolence, many felt safe and secure for investing with him. However, one must never forget that Guan Yu is a fierce warrior, and when his disguise is shed, he is a terrifying enemy to behold. [b]Abilities:[/b] When transformed, Guan Yu possesses the strength of a hundred men. This is not an exaggeration. A single swipe of his halberd sends men flying, and he can withstand blows that would crush a regular mortal. His beard is also known to inspire awe in ordinary men, such is its beauty and glory. Regardless of his transformed state, Guan Yu can make his jade cane/dragon halberd simply appear in his hand, though it is a power he guards from others. Thus, it is impossible to steal it from him. He is also a capable statesman and manager, but not talented in the art of strategy. It is best to let others create plans while he executes them.