Now surrounded by powerful enemies, Amaya had no choice but to fight. Unfortunately using her power required emotion, with was something Amaya wasn't completely comfortable with. Amaya bit her lower lip, a nervous habit of hers. It reminded her of her piercing. Amaya decided she'd need to use her wits if she were going to get out alive. So, she touched the side of her leg with her middle finger. Frost crept down, before spreading underneath the feet of her enemies. Amaya's leg may now be numb, and her allies may get caught in her trap, but it was worth the sacrifice. Then she made a chunk of ice in her hand. Time to get things started. Amaya picked out the, most unintelligent Vygorn and hurled the chunk of ice at him. Not missing a beat she then launched herself at her opponent. He had been hit square in the chest with the flying projectile throwing him off his balance. With a swift elbow to the diaphragm, Amaya had successfully managed to make him fall. She straddled her victim trying to immobilize him. "For someone with such a power you're not very quick on your feet are you?" Amaya commented. She had been analysing them from the beginning. Another bad habit of hers.