Micheal was as curious as a cat right now. With 3 demons, a Leviathan, and a now dead human in the residence, the night was shaping out to be a fun one and he hadn't even killed yet. Micheal was sure that what he was looking for was in this town, it would be ludicrous if it wasn't. Now all he had to do was find it and have some fun along the way. "So how are the hunting grounds in this town." Micheal asked while he ate his food. ______________________________________________________________________ Tom watched the two interact carefully, he didn't trust her one bit. Both him and Micheal had run-ins with demons in the past and they never ended well. Now the Taco Bell had three demons in it, and old as dirt Leviathan, and who knows what else that he had not noticed. Tom wanted to leave now but knowing Micheal they were bound to get into some kind of trouble before they leave.