When Yari jerked her arm out of Alphard’s grasp and spun away, Alphard realized that this probably wouldn’t work out as planned. She tried to explain her motives, that she was trying to help, but she couldn’t seem to pierce Yari’s drunken fog of anger. Finally, the taller girl sighed and stopped trying to drag Yari out the door. She sighed and said “Look Yari, I know you don’t remember me, but you’re one of my best – one of my only friends – and I’m just trying to help you. I get it, you don’t want any help right now so … be safe. I guess.” With that Alphard began to turn away, expecting that her scrappy friend could take care of herself for the night. She didn’t, however, expect that Fitch would barge in and make everything worse. Kenshin had just barely caught him entering out of the corner of his eye before he had reached Doku and struck him across the face. Kenshin spun neatly out of his chair, simultaneously drawing his blade and dropping into a fighting crouch. At Fitch’s outburst and Suto’s stammered explanation, he resheathed it and sighed. It looked like this one would actually be able to be solved with just words for once. Then Luna came in and things just got crazier. Insults were thrown, accusations made, and everyone just got more and more pissed off. Kenshin quietly made his way over to Alphard’s side in case all hell broke loose. The other PCs in the room were quickly clearing out due to the impending violence when Doku called Fitch out. As Fitch sat and steamed over the challenge, Kenshin made his way over to his friend and simply said “you need me in the fight with you?”