Vivian widened her eyes and gasped as she saw that the paw was going to come down and slash at her neck. Before she even knew it, the large cat creature was knocked off of her, and she looked to see that Ashton was the one who saved her life. She sat still, shocked and still in a bit of a daze from the attack as she saw Ashton fight off the large cat. Soon enough the creature was driven away, and the scenery around the both of them was silent for a few moments. She looked to Ashton when he approached her and she answered after he asked "I-I'm okay, I think..." She noticed a few stings of pain, and she noticed that she had a few scratches, but she didn't think that they were anything too serious. She looked to him and she asked, noticing that his breath was labored and heavy, "What about you? Are you alright?" She stood up and she looked at him to see if there were any wounds.