[b]Name:[/b] Chrome [b]Race:[/b] Human [b]Age:[/b] 17 [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Appearance:[/b] [img]http://i.imgur.com/mmM5Qu3.png[/img] She is 1.67 metres tall and has a slender figure. [b]Clothing/Armor:[/b] N/A [b]Weapons:[/b] N/A [b]Alignment:[/b] Chaotic Neutral [b]Skills/Abilities:[/b] She has great skill in hand-to-hand combat. Due to her unrestrained state and training, she possesses great speed that is on par with the swiftest wolves. She also fights much like a beast. Being raised by the Grey Dragons, she speaks the tongue of dragons. She cannot speak or understand human. Her strength is highly peaked despite her figure, to the extent of enhanced jumps and powerful, concussive kicks and blows. Her enhanced accuracy makes it easier to deflect or dodge far-range attacks than close-ranged ones. So she can dodge arrows, but a sword, lance and even a fist might be problem. She has skill in swimming, and can hold her breath for longer periods than regular humans. She knows how to improvise her environment, such as uprooting plants or tossing heavy rocks, to be improvised as weapons. She knows her way around various herbs, allowing her to tend to any scars or wounds with the right stuff. This was how she dealt with all those first-time hunting attempts and the damage done to her, such as cuts, stings and poisons. [b]Magic:[/b] She possesses a necklace with a single dragon tooth and two dragon scales. They could be passed off as the scales and teeth of something else, like, let's say, a fish and wolf. This necklace does its job as a protective charm. If the user has the trust of dragons, such as befriending them or in this case, being their beloved child, they will be granted enhanced magic resistance and fire resistance. Of course, she isn't immune so blasting her with spells will still have effect. The charm also grants enhanced strength to boost her already peak state, allowing her to uproot trees with moderate effort. [b]Backstory:[/b] Chrome was, since young, raised by the Grey Dragons. She has never met her actual human parents. While they couldn't trust humans that much, they decided to raise this poor, abandoned one as a dragon, believing that the young ones were harmless in nature, and could be raised as a dragon instead of a human. They were kind of strict, but they still cherished Chrome as their child and one of their own. And by one of their own I mean living life the dragon way. When she was only 5 human years, the Grey Dragons taught her how to hunt for food in the wild, both flora and fauna alike, so that she could be independent at some point. Five human years was, after all, the age in which Grey Dragons taught their children how to hunt, how to fight, and how to be strong. She learned how to hunt, starting from the basics with fishes, deer and finally larger prey and prey that even adult dragons could have a little difficulty with. These prey had all kinds of abilities, and some of these prey were creatures that most humans had never even heard of. She even learnt to fight the occasional human intruder who would dare come to the cliffs, in an effort to repel them. This gave rise to a certain tale about the 'Selkie', which some deemed kind of ridiculous. She was a fast learner and a great warrior. Her parents taught her everything they could so that she could defend herself, hunt prey and even fight humans. One day, she was caring for an egg that her parents had laid in the outer areas of the cave while her parents were in the inner areas. A skilled magician had snuck in, and he had used some sort of 'binding magic' to restrain Chrome and prevent her from calling out for help. The magic was too strong to break out of the binds. This magician knew that he was no match for the Grey Dragons. It seemed that he used magic to sneak past the dragon's senses so that he wouldn't have to tackle them directly. With that, the magician decided to steal Chrome as a... you know... and take the egg she was caring for as a familiar to be trained from young. The magician then split himself into two, before putting Chrome and the egg in seperate cages on seperate pegasus-powered carriages*, travelling in opposite directions but ultimately heading for the same destination. Halfway through the journey, Chrome finally broke free of the binds and ripped the wooden cage open, as the carriage flew off and she landed in the water. She knew that she had to find the egg - her brother - before it was too late. With that, she began to swim until she found a port town - Waeldeshore - which had similiar scents to that magician. She believes that the magician lives here somewhere, and that the egg is here too. She now hides in the shadows, occasionally taking crops and such... But now, she must find the egg that her parents told her to care for. [hr] *The pegasi were just the magician using magic on regular horses to grant them wings.