Here's my second edition of Tierra. [hider=Tierra Blerta] Name: Tierra Blerta ( Tierra = Spanish for Earth, Blerta = Albanian Derivative for Green) Team/occupation: Team CLRT Species: Faunus (Cheetah) Age: 17 Sex: Female Handedness: Right Aura/Effects: Forest Green Symbol: A Cheetah Paw with two hook swords crossed over it Physical traits: Hands have extendable claws Misc traits: Runs swiftly as well as other Faunus traits 2) Appearance: Height: 5 ft. Weight: 97 lbs Eyes: Golden-Green Skin: Light Brown Face: Round Hair: Shoulder-Length and Black Physique: Skinny and Lean, Runner's build Combat Outfit: A tawny-colored vest over a black shirt with black pants, white belt, and black boots Casual Outfit: Same as above 3) Characteristics: [hider=Background] Tierra's beginnings were usual for those of most Faunus 'round her age, the poorer Faunus quarters of Vale, the capital city of Vale. Like the rest of the Faunus children, she had to deal with being looked down upon by the human adults and human children daily, had to face the possibility of no food being upon the table that day or the next, had to be by herself from an early age when Mom and Dad's work conincided and there was no money for childcare or babysitters. If it wasn't for Mom, Dad, the other Faunus kids, and the few kindly humans, Tierra wasn't sure what she would be doing now. One of those few humans had been a black-haired man with white skin and green eyes wearing a black buisness suit. Being only six at the time, she showed him the way home when he offered to escort her there in safety since it was starting to get dark. When she got there, her father came out to ask her where she had been when he saw the man she was with and froze. The man gave a friendly hello and explained how come he was with Tierra. Tierra then was very surprised when her father insisted the man leave now, surprised until the man brought the gun out and whistled for his men to come out. He then grinned wolfishly and ordered her father to come with them, pointing the gun at Tierra. Her father then slowly advanced into the men's waiting hands with Tierra asking what was going on. After her father was secured, the man talked of revenge and the gun cocked in his hand. But before the shot was fired, she felt herself pushed aside into the wall of a nearby building and fell unconscious as the shot rang. When she awoke, the man was gone with his men and her dad, the house was burning, and something was laying sprawled where Tierra had stood before. Crawling over to it, she found it to be her mother, who wasn't breathing and was surrounded by a pool of red. But Tierra kept shaking her, getting more and more hysterical, desperately hoping that she would wake up and explain what had happened, when was Dad getting back. But her mother was already in the sleep of death. She was finally found by the neighbors and sent to the orphanage. For the longest time, she was just numb to the world except when a human came into the room, then she would immediately go and start trying to claw. It wasn't until someone had the bright idea of doing a forest excursion (with the help of volunteer Hunter trainees) that a thaw finally occurred. She had never been to one before so to her, it was a magical place with a wondrous freshness and stillness to the air, a calmness that encouraged her to forget what happened for a moment and see the marvels of nature. The more she went, the more she thawed, and finally she no longer attacked every human within eyesight though she still didn't trust them and she was able to catch up in her studies. But the memory itself was still there as a recurring nightmare as well as the questions of what was Dad and that man's past together, what was that man doing now, was Dad still alive. She pondered these as she went on with her life, wanting answers but not sure how to get them or where. Then on her twelfth birthday, one the sponsors visited and gave his usual offer (which few took up on) to help fund her or anyone else interested in getting a specialized education. He then described all options and as he went over Hunter education, she realized this was the answer. If anyone could find the answers she sought, it would be a Hunter, so she might as well be that Hunter. She took the offer and was enrolled at a lesser-known in town Academy, but she excelled and ended up receiving a scholarship for Beacon. Now she is on her way there, a mystery to solve, hope for a brighter tomorrow, and dread of a mysterious man and the worse-case scenario. [/hider] Personality: Quiet and somber, Tierra prefers to learn about about people through observation rather than questions. She slowly warms up to people, but once she does she is fiercely loyal. She hates being in crowds and will often escape them and find a quiet spot to practice if there's no reason for her to be in them. Her real love is the forest, and its unique sense of tranquility always soothes her when she gets the most anxious. Especially after the nightmare pops up again. It doesn't happen as much anymore, but she still has it regularly. She attempts to hide the fear she feels under study, practice, and a cold personality, but anyone who knows her long will see the signs and know the reason, as well as seeing her trembling slightly whenever she's in the presence of a human stranger and when having to walk in the city Likes: Woods, The Sensation of Flying, Running, Agility, Her Claws, Luna and Sola (her weapons) Dislikes: Discrimination, Crowds, Caves, the City, Humans (more has a general distrust of than a real hatred), Her nightmare man (also fears) 4) Combat info: Position/Class: Monk/ Frontline Landing strategy: If trees nearby, she will use Sola and Luna's hooks to hook onto a tree branch then climb down from there. If not, she'll point their pommels down then slow her descent using the air in the dust release mechanism [hider=Weapon] Name: Sola and Luna Type: TDHS, Twin Dust Hook Swords Weapon Derivation: Hook swords Form 1: Twin hook swords, dust mechanism located in the pommels (bottom of pommels open to release dust) Holstered/Sheathed Appearance: They have weak magnets that let them combine into one sword, which Tierra than places in a special sheath hanging from her belt Features/Capabilities: Standard Hook Sword capabilities + ability to release dust Usage: (THS themselves) Used like a regular double-edge sword but also as a short-range grappling hook, to pull things towards the user, to push things away, to gouge an enemy, to use the pommel as a knife, to use the hand guard as sharp brass knuckles, (DRM) Used to propel herself forward/ slow herself down using air dust, could also use other dust types but she uses the air dust only for its ability to push her faster or slow her down, she's not proficient in how to use the others without causing major, unwanted damage Possible Upgrades : Add some-sort of mid-range to long-range mode for when she can't reach enemies attacking her, (more of a learn new technique) Figure out effective ways to use the other types of dust Notes: Hook swords are known as "Heaven and Earth, Sun and Moon": Tierra is Earth, Sola is Sun, Luna is Moon, and, since Heaven is usually seen as in the sky, Air Dust is Heaven [/hider] [hider=Semblance] Name: Fleetness Type: Physical Purpose: Offensive Short description: Enhances her leg muscles for a limited amount of time Visual effect: Superhuman running and jumping, Her aura glows while semblance is active General limitations: Only works on her, Tires her faster, Can be applied for 30 sec to 1 min. (might be able to extend the time as she learns more) but the longer she applies it for, the more aura it takes and the more tired she feels afterwards Passive ability: She's a natural runner and jumper Active ability 1: Increases her running speed Active ability 2: Increases her jumping range/height [/hider] Fighting style: Hits and dodges, using the DRM mechanism and her semblance congruently to add to her agility; Falls back on her claws if there's not enough time to get Sola and Luna ready or if she doesn't have them with her for one reason or another 5) Trivia: Relationships: Mother: Still misses her and wonders if she's happy where she is now; Father: Misses him and wonders if he possibly still be alive The Dark-Haired Man: Loathes and fears him, he haunts her worst nightmares [/hider]