Thread closed the wooden door behind them, moving the old table back up against the door for security. The place was clean and well kept, he knew that was what his mother would have wanted - that and to be alive to do it herself. "All my life. This is my home, used to have company but you know...shit happens." He spoke very quietly.Thread pointed over towards the kitchen, with white walls and just as medically shiny floors. "If you want to store any foods there is a working fridge right there. It's the only thing that gets electricity from my generator." with this remark Thread whipped out the cans from the café and put them into said fridge, taking a sandwich from the top shelf and biting into. Quickly thread ran over to the door and did up all the locks. "Phew. Do NOT want to forget about them" Thread laughed awkwardly. [b][color=fff79a]YOU'RE A DUMBASS...[/color][/b]