When she gave an answer Ash felt himself release a small sigh, he hadn't been aware he had been holding his breath waiting to hear her speak. He stood to his feet as she did and felt the small gash near his right eye that the Hystop had managed to give him. It wasn't deep but there was blood flowing freely from it as he pulled his hand away to see his fingertips tinged with blood, but it didn't appear serious. As he winced slightly the thing that really worried him, although he tried not to let the worry show on his face, was the small thin gash on his left side. The wound stung with every movement and there seemed to be a dull throbbing coming from it, the skin felt heated and tender. "It's nothing too serious my lady. A small injury from one of the thieves blades and a gash from the hystop, the creature that attacked us. I should be able to get healed once we make it to the temple in Fennire. Neither one of them appear serious though." Ash tried to assure Vivian he was fine as she looked him over. The knight tried to keep his breathing steady, just to keep up the facade so Vivian wouldn't know he was probably more injured than he was letting on. "If you're certain you are alright, we should get moving. With the hystop gone, I'm worried the bandits might return here looking to finish what they started." Ash spoke as he started walking again.