[color=92278f][b][i]Dosen't really have a plan huh? Looks it.[/i][/b][/color] she shrugged, [color=92278f][i][b]oh well, it wasn't like she really had one either.[/b][/i][/color] And with that he had charged, [color=92278f][b][i]…………so much for[/i] her [i]being the distraction.[/i][/b][/color] Without wasting time on another shrug Alex kicked off, sprinting over for the other side of the beast, reading to leap when the worm disappeared below the ground. Sliding to a stop she frowned, somehow the direction that thing had been going………… [color=92278f][b]"Oh shit"[/b][/color] she muttered propelling herself forward as it popped back up behind her, rearing up its 'head' thrown back. She didn't really look back, or at least she knew she shouldn't, not really, but there was no way not to, it was compelling in the same way one can't look away from the grim bits in movies; morbid fascination. Just that one glimpse of it 'looking' at her was enough to freeze Alex's feet. Swearing, she slashed her arms round, swiping at anything in the vicinity, even though the worm was nowhere near close enough for her to hit. Of course her reaction was a cross of extremes, [i]of course.[/i] That was the absolute worst. Fight and Freeze. Honestly. She hadn't noticed it with the razor dog, as she hadn't had to do much moving, it was just beat the crap out of it. But this monstrosity? Oh, no, this creature was terrifying enough that she couldn't move her legs. [color=92278f][b]"Oi, mister, Kill it!"[/b][/color] She bellowed, throwing herself backwards in a vain attempt to reconnect with her stubborn legs. A massive grinding was emitting from the worm's long body, likely as it prepared to spit out more earth chunks.