[quote=@Markofkri] Hi. I would be interested in creating a vampire for this game. I've not played this version of the game. I am also new to this "RP" style so if I make errors along the way I apologize in advance. I did read all the literature and current politics for this version. As for charater generation do we get the 5/4/3/ for attributes, and 11/7/4 skills? Or are you doing 30 points for everything? My first question, the time/date/location(for language) we are starting at? The other question is, are we going to be brand new agents of darkness(needing a sire to tell us the sun is bad and to explain disciplines) or are we semi knowledgeable? Are the players able to dictate how their characters embrace went our will that be your domain? [/quote] Thank god! someone actually asks questions! 1.)It's going to be a base 30 points for everything(meaning your left with 21 points as 9 are spent on having at least a 1 in each attribute). I went with this because everyone's going the start out just turned and it prevents people from being pop-stars in their previous life. 2.)Vampires will get a sire(as you kind of need one to become a vampire), but other supernaturals who can turn on their own will have to buy the merit background. 3.)Your embrace will be determined largely by you clan, as each clan is rather ritualistic about how they go about it. But as far as your character's backstory and how they met their sire is up to the player. It's your character after all. The location of the story will take place in Santa Monica, quite a bit before the events in bloodlines if you get the reference. We just need 5 people's character sheets to start a campaign, and then anyone is free to enter or leave as they like. This is just the start, so it will focus mainly on world building and establishing the "regulars", or players who are in the story frequently enough to be the main characters,