[hr][center][b][color=green]Rocksmith[/color] - [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/82270-r-a-t-s-rapid-assault-tactical-squad-superhero-turn-based-adventures/char#post-2753709][LINK][/url] [color=yellow][b]Energy:[/b] 7/10[/color] [color=00ff00]30[/color] / [color=00ccff]4[/color] / [color=ff0000]7[/color][/b][/center][hr] Rocksmith chuckled as as he watched Thrash react to becoming a walrus. "Something tells me I'm going to enjoy turning people into walruses" Rocksmith said to himself. Rocksmith then watched as his allies tried to hurt Discord with ranged attacks only for Discord to dodge the worst of it. "So you're a dodger, eh?" Rocksmith asked before playing the jump chord on his guitar and launching himself towards Discord "Let's see you dodge this!". As he flew through the air, Rocksmith held his guitar by it's neck and brought the body of his guitar down on Discord's head when he reached her. [hr] [b]+1 [color=fff200]Energy[/color] No status effects are affecting Rocksmith right now. Actions:[/b] Jump attack Discord.