The city of Iredele, ha... calling it a city was nothing but vanity from those who inhabited this glorified village stuck in the middle of a literal nowhere. The Word of Wasted Dreams, was how some called this darkness soaked bog that was full to the brim with unpleasant things of all shapes and sizes. Well, it's not like that was of any concern to the slender cloaked [url=]figure[/url] that just now walked through the threshold of the gates that led inside the walls that flanked the main settlement. Beyond it lay a sparse farmland and the houses of those who were brave, or better, fool enough to ditch the safety blanket that the battered wooden walls represented. The cloaked silhouette was barely discernible against the ever present gloom as she walked down the main street. in the tavern's direction. When she was about to enter the old wooden building, she saw some disoriented persons leaving the Temple of Absolute. [color=662d91][b]"It seems like more of them arrived"[/b][/color] she said to herself before going in. Once in the tavern the girl went to the counter and placed three rusty coins over it. [color=662d91][b]"My usual, master."[/b][/color] She said in a feminine, albeit dry and low, voice before proceeding to a table located in a corner across the fireplace and thus, hidden in the shadows, unless you had some good eyes. It didn't took long for the tavern master to order their only [url=]maid[/url], a fairly beautiful redheaded lass who's the joy of Iredele's weary males, to bring the cloaked girl's bowl of steaming-hot, hellishly spiced noodles that no one else had the gall to try. [b]"Here it's, Miss Akemi."[/b] The tavern lass said as she put Akemi's food over her table, along with a copper mug full with a very strong vodka that was Iredele's specialty [b]"And this one is on the house, to thank you for dealing with those chupacabras the other day."[/b] The girl put a wooden plate with a juicy looking steak over Akemi's table before leaving. Akemi put a large amount of soy sauce on her food before digging in, barely being able to hold back the pleasure moan that threatened to escape her lips as finally bit down her beloved mapo tofu udon.