The guard that approached her didn't interact with Thaila, they walked away out of ear shot and pulled out a walki-talkie, it was easy to tell who the female guard was calling for, but it was gonna be impossible for Thaila to know since she ditched the opening ceremony. In the matter of only minutes the security chief was outside and approaching the tree, with each step the woman took it was almost as if she was yelling a threat and shaking the earth at the same time. She stopped in front of Thaila and stared the young woman straight in the eye, as the security chief looked at the girl. " Find your dorm room, then head to your homeroom class, cutting will not be tolerated in this school, and seeing how you chose to cut the opening ceremony on the first day, I can see that you will be troublesome." The security chief cracked her knuckles." If you continue this behavior I'll be forced to punish you, and here in these gates my punishments are severe." The security chief threatened her. [@ViolentViolet] As Touka believed she was alone for such a long time, her answers for friendship or company was soon answered. A hand soon appeared between the doors to the exit of the room slowly, before Touka could react the door just flew open and a familiar face to Touka appeared, it was none other than Touka's big sister, the one that cared about her Seika, when she saw Touka looking down she dashed over to her younger sister at blinding speed and hugged her sister with all of her might. "[color=slateblue] I knew it, I knew it, I knew it, I knew you'd come this year, little sis.[/color]" then suddenly a thought came to Seika's mind."[color=slateblue] Ohhh do you want to be the student body vice president ? [/color]" She asked without taking breaths, she seemed so exited to see her sister that she forgot that she was almost crushing Touka in her arms, and probably suffocating her between her breast, she let go of her little sister and kissed Touka's forehead."[color=slateblue]I'm glad to see you here, did I say that already ? I feel like I've said that three times.[/color]" Seika questioned herself. "[color=slateblue] Ah I'm just glad your here it was soooo boring first year, but when dad made me student body president, things have been kinda fun.[/color]" [@KoL] Alice looked the skinny white girl up and down wondering where she was from, but just from guessing after she called her " Miss Alice" then "Miss Murray" it wasn't to hard to guess too much, she was white which ment anywhere with people that had white skin, she was overly nice, which also could be from anywhere as well, and she also had a weird ass first name. Alice wasn't getting any cues of where this chick was from, so she just outright asked."[color=yellow] Just call me Alice, now that you know my first and last name, where the hell are you from ? I'll find the home room, but later.[/color]" Alice just straight up asked [@White Feather]