[center][h1][color=00a651][b]The Great Kingdom of Karabeth[/b][/color][/h1] [img]http://img07.deviantart.net/e7da/i/2012/178/1/3/dragon_shield_commission_by_hanaraad-d554gea.png[/img] [b]Motto[/b]: [color=00a651]"As Long As At Least One Of Us Stands, We Shall Not Fall! For The [[i]Queen/King[/i]]!"[/color] [b]Allegiance[/b]: North [b]Location on map[/b]: [img]http://orig00.deviantart.net/e251/f/2015/184/3/c/untitled_by_mralan99-d8ztnq7.png[/img] [b]Establishments[/b]: [list] [*] Aivenfall Hall -- The Castle and Capital of Karabeth is located on a small neighboring island in order to be difficult to reach from enemy attack, it acts as not only the capital but also as a trading hotspot for the Isle. The ruler of Karabeth lives here as well with their adviser, who is usually their closest friend. [*] Saarabas Peak -- Karabeth's largest town is a miner's dream. It is located on the side of a small mountain and best known for it's strong iron and even it's people's even stronger willpower. The inhabitants' will is unmatched and all of them would be willing to stare Death in the eye and be sure that Death is the first one to blink. [*] Hawkenstead -- Located on the coast that faces the South, Hawkenstead has built up it's Navy in case the South had ever decided to attack via ship. Besides it's powerful Navy, it is also the home to the best catfish in all the land. [/list] [b]Brief history[/b]: Karabeth was one of the first kingdoms established on the Isle, even shortly after it's founding it had always believed in an individualized government and has demonstrated fierce loyalty to the Northern King. It has always been known for it's powerful navy, unmatched willpower in combat, and the family line of strategic geniuses who rule it. Karabeth is also known for helping out fellow any northern kingdom if they request it (assuming it's not a stupid request). The current ruler is Queen Olivia Giselle, who is exceptionally intelligent just as her ancestors were and will stop at nothing to protect her kingdom and the [i]entire[/i] Northern Kingdom. [b]Cultural significances[/b]: [list] [*] Karabeth has freedom of religion and no primary religion. [*] Karabeth has a mix of different races, even some from other islands far, far away. There is little to no racial discrimination in Karabeth. [/list] [b]Army[/b]: [list] [*] 50 Warships -- strong against towns, castles; weak against catapult. [*] 450 Swordsman -- strong against pikeman, weak against cavalry. [*] 350 Pikeman -- strong against cavalry, weak against swordsmen. [*] 450 Cavalry -- strong against swordsmen, weak against pikeman. [*] 100 Catapult -- strong against warships, weak against most infantry. [*] 100 Archers -- strong against catapults, swordsmen, pikemen; weak against cavalry. [/list] [color=lightblue][b]Paragon[/b][/color] [h1][b]Olivia Giselle[/b][/h1] [img]https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/vrkll7iXw85WM8t-C9ApJPThgYvyQR4kvytndV40xkiyuK7-umVGGZGI4sGpROqEaLvu_NdyslYVLb8=w1342-h523[/img] [b]Age:[/b] 29 [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Clothing/Armor:[/b] [img]http://dragonage3.wiki.fextralife.com/file/view/in_peace_vigilance.png/534911370/in_peace_vigilance.png[/img] [b]Weapons:[/b] Olivia uses a strong longsword made out of Saarabas Peak's iron with a shield also made out of the same iron. [b]History:[/b] Olivia Giselle is the only child of former Queen, Emely Giselle. During her childhood, she was trained by the Kingdom's best swordsmen and studied both diplomacy and strategy. At the age of twenty-six, her mother passed away and she was crowned Queen of Karabeth. She has proven to be a natural, responsible, diplomatic leader who cares deeply for her people, specifically for her adviser--and closest friend--Katelyn Tersone. She is also known from leading her troops from the front lines. [h1][b]Katelyn Tersone[/b][/h1] [img]http://stuffershack.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/05/Warrior_female1.jpg[/img] [b]Age:[/b] 31 [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Clothing/Armor:[/b] [img]http://img4.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20131006114216/dragonage/images/thumb/9/93/Raider_Plate.png/500px-Raider_Plate.png[/img] [b]Weapons:[/b] Katelyn wields two custom-made steel blades specifically forged for dual wielding. They are not meant to be used as two singular blades, they are made specifically for the combat flow of dual wielding. [b]History:[/b] Katelyn is the best friend and adviser of current queen, Olivia Gesille. She has always been very calm and passionate like her friend Olivia, despite this, she happens to be known for being the greatest dual wielder in all of Karabeth. She is the only one throughout Karabeth who has ever mastered dual wielding, she has only passed this skill onto Queen Olivia. Katelyn is always on the battlefield with Olivia when she is leading from the front-lines. If Queen Olivia were to die before she had children, Katelyn and her future children would succeed her. [/center]