[center][b] Enter the Das[/b] [/center] [center][i] “Yeah I Know Das, fought with him a long time ago. The elf is crazy, but a hero. Launched himself from a catapult dead center into a mass of the enemy. Pretty much won the battle with that explosive stunt of his, and I mean explosive. The elf light up on impact, like some kind of demon. He calls it being a Kafshe, I call it being insane. So yeah, I know Das, no shame that one, no shame at all.” - Unknown Dwarf[/i][/center] The moonlight peaked through the loosely stitched canvas propped as a tent against the shifting sands of the unforgiving desert. Clothes of fur and a long hunters knife sat next to a discarded rucksack as an athletic grey skinned elf lay on his back. The journey had been a long one, but had it been for naught? I suppose that would depend on why he started to journey in the first place, and if he counted it as a new journey after his last, or if it was all just one big journey. [i]That’s the funny thing about journeys[/i], Das the elf thought to himself, [i]where do they really begin and end, and do they really ever. I suppose the journey is what you make of it then, if nothing else.[/i] After a few more moments of philosophical pondering the elf poked his black haired head out of the tent, the warm desert wind catching it’s long locks as he squinted his bestial amber eyes, hiding it from the sand blown by the wind. In front of his tent was a massive rock face, and carved into it was an intricate entrance to some unknown city. Of course Das knew taking a tent outside was better than stepping foot in there and trying to rest. A mistake he was not unfamiliar with in his youth. He took a step out and winced as the still hot sand burned his bare feet. The wind however felt great on his naked muscular body as he put his hands on his hips and took a great inhale, ready to start the day, despite it being completely night out. His never ending vulpine grin was plastered across his surprisingly shaved cheeks as he closed his eyes to enjoy the moment and opening them only when he felt the presence of others. Without a shift in his smile, despite his uncovered appearance, his amber eyes quickly fell upon a wet variety pack of adventurers exiting the structure. He laughed to himself and his eyes seemed to glow with amusement, clearly he had made the right choice camping outside.