Hugh pressed his face into her hand, leaving a gentle kiss one it. He felt all the stress and the hurt leaving his burdened mind. It felt good to love. It felt good to heal. Her kisses felt good and her body pressed against his felt better. With it, he was feeling his past melt away. He felt like all the bad that had happened meant nothing anymore. He felt like after it all he could live again. This was what healing was. Not vengeance. Hugh felt his hands along her warm smooth skin, soaking it all in. It seemed like there was never a moment when her touch and feeling her there with him could make him feel uneasy. She left the embrace of his arms and headed up the exit to find the outside, looking back briefly to say some words to him. [i]"It's not like you're married,"[/i] She seemed to say in jest. His smile persisted as he thought about that, the issue pressing on his mind that he had been married once. He thought of what she would think of him to know he had a family before all this. Maybe she would like him better, knowing he had not given into carousing with many women to heal the hurt. Hugh was someone who settled for only one woman and Sana was now that woman he would devote his affections to. He followed her, looking as happily as ever, up through their exit, to find the moonlit night covering the sands and the ruins. It was magnificent, and it was made happier by the sight of his long awaiting horse. Rodger seemed to blow his nostrils at the ground, looking for a form of vegetation to chew on. No doubt the sand irritated his nose whenever he snorted. Hugh smiled at the sight of the peaceful animal, his old friend who had been with him for so long. "Damn good to see you, boy." He muttered, breathing in the cool desert night air. It was peaceful again, letting him feel relieved that he might not have to fight again. He was tired and ready to relax. This was a time for rejuvenation from the fighting, and Hugh would feel horribly sore in the morning.