The Chaplain, as he looked upon the banners with disdain, saw one looking back at him, the Iron Mask, backed by a red background. That of the Iron Warriors. [b]"Brothers! Traitors of the Iro-"[/b] Flames wracked the room and bolter fire erupted seemingly from all around him. Chaplain Aleros staggered backwards, he knew he'd been hit, the shots having pierced his most holy shield and armour. Gritting himself against any feeling of pain, he remembered his vows as his eyes searched the tunnel ways for his prey. [b]"I shall Uphold the Honour of the Emperor and of those that fight besides me... I shall Suffer not the Unclean to Live"[/b] He spoke aloud as he marched forwards bringing his Crozius Arcanum to bay. He walked calmly and with purpose, passing his brothers engaged in combat with the heretics that had charged them. His eyes locked onto those that had fired upon him. The Crozius Arcanum in his right hand crackled to life with power as he approached the four heretics. The skull helm of the Chaplain would be the last they ever saw. For those that waged war against the Emperor of Mankind deserved no other. [hider=>Chaplain Aleros Status Report] [b]HP;[/b] 40 (current 43) [b]Wounds;[/b] 2 [b]Status;[/b] Disturbed; -1 WS and BS. [b]Veteran Traits in use;[/b] [i][b]Suffer Not the Unclean to Live[/b][/i] - The Black Templars swear to release their unclean foes. Heretics, mutants, xenos and traitors from the suffering of their lives, striking them down with great fury. [i](Chaplain Aleros gains +1d3, 1d6 damage attacks in the first turn of combat)[/i] [i][b]Uphold the Honour of the Emperor[/b][/i] - The Black Templars uphold the Emperors honour, and face their enemies attacks head-on rather than cower behind cover. Such is their indomitable faith that they can withstand attacks that would fell other Astartes. [i](Chaplain Aleros gains +5 Health for the first 3 turns of combat)[/i] [/hider]