Sana smiled towards Hugh as they made their way from the tomb of an existence below, breathing in the night air and letting it fill her lungs. It was wonderful to be out from such place of death and decay. The cool night air against her skin was rejuvenating. Watching Hugh find Rodger, she relaxed a bit, glad the steed was okay and had fared far better than the rest of them over the course of the day. Taking a few steps Sana got that feeling in the pit of her stomach and suddenly she was drawing an arrow from her quiver; nocking it into place as she eyed the new face. It was dark out and shadows were playing with her at first. Then she realized the man was naked. "Who the hello are...." she began, words trailing off quickly as she stepped closer; her arrow pointed towards his heart. Taking a deep breath she kicked the sand towards him as her bow lowered. "For the love of God, put some fucking clothes on Das!" she snapped; arrow dropping back into its quiver as quickly as it had been drawn, bow following suit. Shaking her head she wandered over to Rodger and pulled out her water skin to let the horse get some much needed refreshment. "Don't kill the pointy eared bastard," she yelled to the rest of the group without looking back to Das until he was clothed.