[color=fff200][center][h1][u]The Wizard's Bodyguards[/u][/h1][/center][/color] [center][i]A High Fantasy Adventure Roleplay[/i][/center] [hider=Map][img]http://i.imgur.com/R0udUQt.jpg[/img] [center]Right click and left click "View Image" to enlarge.[/center][/hider] [color=fff200] [center][h2]An Evil Forgotten; An Evil Awoken[/h2][/center] [/color] Three thousand years ago, the world of Esseand was cloaked in darkness. The Necromancer King, as he was called, appeared from seemingly nowhere, and besieged the living realms with legions of the undead. Unprepared for this unexpected assault, the Free Countries fell one by one to the onslaught, until only one remained: Ravenloft. Grand King Imperitous Grimhelm, the last of a long line of immortal kings blessed with powers from the Forgotten Gods, marshalled the battered armies of the living at the gates of his ancestral home, Castle Ravenloft, and for sixty days he held back the incessant undead assault. The Necromancer King, frustrated by this lone hold-out nation, joined the battle himself. He was powerful, with total mastery of fell-magic, and he swept aside Grimhelm's brave warriors with the swift wave of a hand, moving through them like an untouchable giant of black and ill. The Grand King met the Necromancer King in an epic confrontation of two extremely powerful warriors; the light of Grimhelm's divine powers, facing off against the darkness of necromancy. Though it was all in vain. The Grand King was no match for his adversary, and as the hours drew on, his strength waned even as he Necromancer King's grew. His only hope to achieve victory for anyone but the dead, was to sacrifice himself. He feigned defeat, falling to his knees in a clattering of burnished steel, and allowed the Necromancer King to drain his life force. Muttering a prayer, the Grand King threw all of his magical energy into his own flesh and blood, warping it with raw arcane power. This destructive energy flowed into the Dark Necromancer, exploding deep within his chest and reducing the great evil to a pile of smoking ashes. Both Kings undone, the legions of the dead fell lifeless once more, and the living were left to inherit and rebuild a ruined world. Yet 3000 years later, there are signs that not all evil was undone that day. There are reports from across the world that the dead are arising once more; Vampires have been spotted taking control of ancient ruins, using them as a base of operations to unleash their sinister arts on the local populaces. Mysterious plagues are spreading in rural communities, decimating populations. Petty Kings and Lords are ignoring the signs, and continue to war with each other over scraps of lands and resources. They have forgotten the three thousand year old legends, they have dismissed them a child's tales; the dead have always walked from time time, and plagues are a regular occurrence in the world - why should they unite with their enemies against a string of coincidences? Most nations remain ignorant, but some do not. However, only one man knows the real truth of the situation, and it falls to him to prepare for the Second Coming of the Necromancer King. His name is Rorin Greymere, the Master Wizard of the Nirin Fir Order - a secret group of wizards established after the defeat of the Necromancer King to track the evil's return. The Order has dwindled over the centuries, however, and Rorin Greymere is one of the few remaining members -- and also the most powerful of them. He is aware of a legend that states that as the Grand King Imperitous fell to his own consuming powers, twenty women of all races are said to have become mysteriously pregnant at that exact moment. It is believed the Forgotten Gods rewarded the Grand King's selflessness by sowing his seed across the realm, so that his glory would live throughout the generations. If this is true, then these individuals will have the same powers of their distant ancestor, and hold the key to defeating the Necromancer King once and for all. As it happens, Rorin has miraculously found some; a group of common sell swords, living a life of coin and hardship guarding caravans. They do not know their heritage, but he does, for his powers are able to track the bloodline of the Great King via an ancient ring he wears on his left hand -- the very signet ring carried by Imperitous himself, all those years ago. Rorin does not ponder his fortune for too long, and decides that the Forgotten Gods have acted on his behalf to group them so closely to him. However, he does not expect them to simply believe his words of their importance in the world, and resolves to hire them as bodyguards. Rorin explains that he is simply tracking and investigating the growing evil in the land, but secretly, he is testing their abilities. Their journey starts at the Pig and Sty Inn, at the small forest town of Belonde. It is here that he has agreed to hire them, and has just handed over the first of the promised gold. [color=fff200][center][h2]Hello![/h2][/center][/color] Welcome to my RP, a grand fantasy adventure, where the players take on the roll of the hidden chosen warriors destined to defeat the greatest evil the world has ever known, and where I the GM, play as their guide, Rorin Greymere. The Wizard, and his unwitting accomplices, will travel from area to area, investigating the problems that are starting to trouble the world. All traditional fantasy races are available, and so are custom races. You can be a skilled sword fighter, a mage, an assassin - the usual stuff. [color=fff200][center][h2]Rules[/h2][/center][/color] [list][*]No God modding. Who would've thought? [*]Unless otherwise directed, your character must follow Rorin Greymere. No plodding off on a side adventure, you plot line heathen. [*]No pvp combat unless otherwise directed. Although drama and bust ups are perfectly fine. [*]Although your character is secretly blessed by the Forgotten Gods, they are unaware of this fact. Keep it that way until otherwise directed. [*]Minimum post length = 300 words. [*]If you wish to drop out, please in form us. I wont be mad, honest :)[/list] [color=fff200][center][h2]Character Sheet[/h2][/center][/color] [center][i]Found under the character tab. Submit to OOC first. Once accepted, move to character tab. This will serve as a test of your initiative, so be careful not to post it directly into the character tab.[/i][/center]