[@Creedthechimera][@Supertinyking] Wraithblade coughs a bit and holds a hand over her nose and mouth. "Good god this place is hell. I'm sorry to ditch you guys, but I need to get out of here. Someone's probably going to complain that I'm messing with their plots anyway." She puts the car in reverse and it starts levitating again. "Sorry you're hurt Raiden dude, but if you blow up my characters I'll be back and I'll be pissed! So don't do it. I'm not even sure how to fix you if I wanted to. Right." The car floats back and blips into a spontaneous portal and out of this world. Strygwyr Looks from Creed to Raiden. He could totally finish off Raiden, but was too curious. The Dark One's sword speaks up. "Dark One. What's going on out there? Where are we?"