[img]http://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjMyLmZhMjkxOS5VbWxzWlhrZ1JtbDBlbWRsY21Gc1pBLCwuMAAA/jayadhira-lila-ee-0-1.regular.png[/img] Tagged: [@corrosive] [color=a187be]"I can sympathise,"[/color] Riley said with a light tug of the lips, as Austin visibly relaxed in her presence. She allowed amusement to slither through her for a few moments. He came at ease rather easily in the company of an absolute stranger, amidst tipsy partiers. Was that to say he was trusting, sociable? [color=a187be]"The town seems dandy and all but carnivals and I aren't entirely miscible."[/color] What she wouldn't give to be home right now. But Austin seemed good company. She cocked her head to the side, fiery ponytail swishing, and surveyed him closer. A clean-cut chap, she would wager. The classic American boy - or, at least, her foreigner's impression of what that entailed. Many parents would approve of him as a friend. He had that look about him: dependable, with a good head on his shoulders. Riley anticipated discovering how accurate an estimation that was. [color=a187be]"You sound fond of your father. He a special man?"[/color] As the question slipped through her lips, Riley caught a glimpse of a woman with a shock of pink hair approaching a tall brawny figure. [i][color=bc8dbf]Hair like cotton-candy[/color][/i], she thought vaguely, bemusement creeping upon her again. She eyed the exchange - muted, from where she stood - before returning her attention at once to Austin.