Zayden would look to Isaura with a smile "you sure you don't want anything we might have a few spices that could make that jerky taste less gamey" He suggested. "At the very Least have a seat we just ran 5 miles and one of had a broken wing but still outran the other" He joked hoping she had a sense of humor. [hr] Woltar would head down an impossibly long staircase leading him to a set of Massive double doors "Lord Aza...Advence" Woltar said correcting himself "My Lord, Makeru has returned and he bought a "guest" she was said to have healed his...Broken wing" Woltar said backing away from the door, in time with them as the blew open and a massive flow of energy was quickly quieted. "Woltar where are they now" Lord advance asked his voice deep and filled with a minute amount of worry. "In the downstairs foyer my lord" "Thank you Woltar as you were" Lord advance would say allowing Woltar to continue his daily activities as normal. Lord Advence would vanish almost instantly appearing to the top of the staircase and ducking low as he exited the door "Gotta get that resized" he thought to himself as the doorway was not built to accommodate his 8ft. As Advence headed towards the foyer he would lower his energy as he always did to not suffocate his attendants.