Ellis The Halfling, due to the darkness of the nightm didn't even notice the dark elf male in the distance. He went about his business and odd enough began fantizing a life with Ceris. Unintentionally he began talking aloud. Of course only his friends would know that he was likely talking to the lich. "What did your original body look like?" He asked her and her response to it was a simple. Suddenly Ceris was able to manifest what she could from her energy a ghost form. It sat right beside him. Her back against the wall. He looked over and examined the spirit. White robes with a odd looking crest on it. He swore he saw it before on his travels. It represented some deity he figured. She had long hair as well. The spirit form didn't really show color so he couldn't assume much. She was pretty though. His eyes followed hers towards the stars . How lovely were they. At least he got to share that with her. He then shook his head and sighed once more. Iam hopeless... I can't believe I have the hots for a 160 year old lich. I must be really messed up in the head. If only mother could see me now..... he the paused and his frown returned. On another note, lets not bring her into this conversation. I was left out on the streets to starve by that cruel woman. Father was too drunk to give a shit. The story of Ellis, the unwanted, well there goes my mood again. Good thing I got a cure. He thought as he popped open his flask and took a taste of the fine liquid within. It was a wine and a very expensive wine. He didn't pay for it of course, a senator did. Not that the senator knew he donated his fine wine to a thieving halfling, but oh well. "Why a mage?" He asked. "Because, he was at the time, or at least I thought he was." She responded. "You mean him?...." He took the silence afterwards as a yes and he sighed. "I suppose his first tresspass on you was taking the form of a handsome young lad and seduced you." He was beginning to hate this Eliphas more and more with each passing moment. OH how he would love to jab this silver dagger through the demon's spine. "If it was not for him.. what would you have become?" He asked next. He did not even want to say his name. From now on he would refer it as to him. Each time he would say his name it angered him. "I think I might have followed my mother's footsteps and become a priestess cant remember the deity but he is often drawn as a horned pegasus" "Corellan Lorethian..." He said. Now he knew where he saw that emblem from. I suppose she was merely a test for the demon. Would it be possible for a demon to corrupt a priestess. I guess we knew the answer to that one. So you can project your self from my body?.... Yeah I know stupid question. Would have been nice if you did it earlier. "I spent most of my energy on just getting into your body and I felt my energy drained when I cried out....I am not even sure how long I can keep this up." Ellis shook his head and looked to her. "Why don't you rest up then and dismiss the projection. I am going to need your magic later on." Her projection quickly faded and he rose a brow and then looked to the cart to see Sana and Hugh. Oh right you cancelled because of them. He looked back up at the stars and felt his back against the formations walls. Its cold hard surface felt so good on the back of his neck. He then decided to pull his boots of and shoved his hairy feet into the warm sand and felt even more relief. This was followed by another sip of the wine and another bite of his jerky. Vivian. Vivian saw how Ellyn looked about. She was better now and that made her happy. She was now looking for something though. Most likely Artos. Ellyn was so innocent and likely never experienced the feelings she felt towards Artos before. For one everytime someone showed it to her she looked at you with a quizicall look. Ellyn was a foolish girl, but she was their fool. Well,... her fool anyways. She took a look to Garekk who offered to fix up her harp as a way of paying up for his debt to her. It was Artos who healed him, but it was Ellyn who pulled his arm to do so. This group however, felt like it would fall apart soon though. We would likely all go our seperate ways after this. Hugh will take Sana out to god knows where. Ellis will likely go utilize his new lich partner to steal. Artos will likely travel with Ellyn where ever she went. Garekk would like keep on pushing his body to the limits and get himself killed one of these days. Varis will fade into the shadows like he does best. Then there was herself. What would Vivian do? What could Vivian do? She had the desire to see all of the surface realm. She wanted to see it all and experience everything. She wanted to do that with Varis ,but that was not likely going to happen. Maybe if she accidently straddled him like Sana did she would get a reaction... yeah like a 'can you get off of me?' reaction. This man was so dense. Perhaps if another man came into the group she could perhaps ask a favor to make Varis jealous. Then again, she didn't even know if that was possible. She sighed,.... "Why did all the mature men get taken....." she mummbled to herself. Garekk Garekk was very skilled in his work and he noticed things like wear and tear. He then looked down at Ellyn's dress once more and pulled forth his dagger. "With your permission Ellyn I would like to save you from further embarrassment by removing the one thing that makes you clumsy half the time?...." He asked. He paused waiting and then looked to see if Artos was close by... Maybe it would be best if he did it then rather him. Garekk had only meet Ellyn a little while ago. Well a Day ago actually. He concluded he would travel to the ends of the world with her. Not out of love or anything ,but out of service to his debt. He owed her his life. He would repay it in death and blood if needed. He wanted to protect her from the evils of this world.