[@Experiment 249] Ok, we'll assume you're following! :) Thanks [@t2wave]! I'll work on this post tonight. Whether or not it'll get finished tonight depends on my caffeine intake. Edit: So, remember how I said the gameplay style would be changing? If you've ever played MYST or any exploratory game, it's sort of like that. You've got the environment around you. EVERYTHING is potentially important. Touch it, kick it, destroy it, lick it, take it, whatever. In this RP everything you do -- [i]everything[/i] -- makes the story go forward. As long as you do [i]something[/i]. ;) Just one word of warning, please don't try to touch/lick/kick/destroy/take everything you see in one post. That just causes the whole world to explode and everyone will die. You wouldn't want that, would you?