[color=red][h3]Drizzak[/h3][/color][hr]The goblin, now thoroughly worn out from the constant combat and yelling, sighed as he walked beneath the waterfall and felt his flames doused by the cascading moisture. His body shifted back as he walked out, garbed in only his pants, little pale body smoking and shrinking to its former self. So many fights. So many words. Recent times had sent his brain on a trip even more than his feet had been. He stared down at his hands, his claws. Not the gargantuan paws of a true dragon. He had no scales and no tail. He was an imitation. A fraud. So small and pale and weak in comparison to a real dragon. The dwarf threatened to knock his teeth into the back of his throat, but he did not react. What had he done except help? What could he do? With a look down at his body, and a look over at his belongings, he saw his costume once more. Red was his dragon-skin. But no gold to go along with the red. That thought stuck with him for a while. No gold. No hoard. His claws twitched at him, itching suddenly as thoughts of gold, riches and wealth flashed before his eyes. His mouth curled into a smile. He WAS a dragon. He was just missing a few things here and there. Things that would show everyone that he was a true red menace to be wary of. No cute thing to be ogled. No small thing to be kicked about. He ran his fingers along the exile-brand at the back of his neck as he stepped back through the waterfall, gathering his things once more. He would turn back. He would turn back and clean out the fallen city. Make it new. Make it wonderful. Then he would gather the weak and the fearful. He would gather them all to live beneath his fury and his rage. Drizzak began to chuckle as he turned once again, shouting out to the others. [color=red]"This where Drizzak leave you! This where Drizzak stay! This Drizzak city now!"[/color] He tried to turn away, but stopped in his tracks and frowned. He couldn't help it. He had to say. [color=red]"Give Drizzak time. Drizzak fix things. Find fixers. You welcome back. When city is good."[/color] He regretted not speaking with the newer additions to the party, but that didn't matter at this point. He had found what he needed, the first step to becoming a true dragon. He had found a lair.