Blu Beast was able the minute he entered the ring to his a massive spin buster with authority and then socking the follower with a right hand clear out of the ring. the two headed freak soon took out the second follower with their finisher, The three's a crowd. chimera was busy with the preacer and was handling her self pretty well especially when the preacher tried to escape only to get a spin buster from blue beast. the twi headed freak show soon hit their finisher on the preacher as well. Then the chairman entered the ring with the mouth and smiled as as the chairman chocked slammed the preacher. the chimera got the preacher back up and with the world watching landed her own finisher. Screaming "DEFORMITY!" as she hit it then floated over and landed a standing moonsault on to him. feeling satisfied for now as the preacher laid unmoving, the mouth spoke once more "laddies and gentleman there are no gods, no masters, only darkness and us the dark wood circus. thank you for dropping by and seeing us. we plan to stick around for a long, long time." then their music hit as they all struck a pose for a while after rolling the preacher out of their ring. then laughed as they made their exit.