[center] ~Alexis Sinclair~ [color=ed1c24][i]"Good morning to you sleeping beauty. I hope you're hungry cause I brought you breakfast."[/i][/color] Alexis heard Mishka coming a mile away. Well, maybe not a mile, but she did hear her. Her hearing was good. When Mishka came into the room, she didn't even look up from her laptop, on which she was currently browsing some forum message board. One of her less...sketchy past times on the internet. Usually she was either gaming, or trying out her hacking skills. [color=00aeef]"No, not really."[/color] She replied, not looking up, or tearing her attention away from the computer. [color=00aeef]"Thanks for the rude awakening too, jackass. Appreciate it. No really."[/color] She shot Mishka a brief glare, before returning to her laptop. [color=00aeef]"I can take care of myself too, so you wasted your time bringing that." [/color] It was more than a little obvious, she wanted nothing to do with Mishka and wanted her to just leave her alone, go away, and probably crawl somewhere and die. Well, maybe not that extreme. But she did want Mishka gone. [color=f7976a]~Meredith Hillard~[/color] Hahahaahah! She got him good! That was hilarious! It was all she could do to restrain herself from laughing and giving herself away. He seemed pretty aware though, like...she was pretty sure he sprouted a few extra eyes!..curious. She was fairly sure he was not one of her kind...so some sort of Bio-manipulation then? Similar to her abilities, but not? Hmm...but how to go about this next! She needed this to be elaborate and good! First...distract him! But how how how without being seen...hrm...She wasn't getting out of her little hiding spot so easily. Switch places with the anatomical dummy?...no...she would be seen...not to mention she didn't fancy taking off her clothes...She'd have to do that some other time. Like...tomorrow! It seemed like she was backed into a wall here. So how how how how....She needed to distract him somehow... Tripping him could work. yes, that was a wonderful idea! After he was tripped, she could swiftly move to her secondary hiding spot! A thin, fleshy tendril snaked a complicated path across the ground again, making sure to try and stay out of his range of vision. Hiding behind desks, displays, and other things in the room. By the time it reached the kid, it had made quite the complicated path across the floor. Just as he got a few paces from the back of the room where she was hiding, the tendril wrapped itself around his leg, giving it a sharp tug, pulling his feet out right from under him - or at least, that was the intended effect. [/center]