The blood ran over the stones and down the cracks until it came to pool at Calcifer's feet. He scooped it up into his hand, recognizing with ease the presence of the blood goddess. Through magic, the blood spoke in echos of whispers to Calcifer. "I see a thirst akin to my own in you, stranger. Darkness, vengeance, blood about to be spilt... god's blood! I sense a god in you, dark hearted one. I know you, yet I do not know you. It is the blood you have shed for me that remembers you. It tells me of you. Blood never lies." Out of a reddening cloud above, a massive snake-like red dragon of pliable, liquid form slowly descended before Calcifer. It was Sekaulla herself, present, emminating her lustful glory as she fixed her glowing eyes on him. "In chaos, I am sustained." The dragon suddenly lunged forth, and just as Calcifer thought the goddess would devouer him flat out, the gaping maw of fang and carnage brushed past him and snapped shut around the tomb guardian, devouring him whole. The guardian wouldn't be reporting to Darko anytime soon... or ever for that matter. Sekaula couldn't remember Calcifer, but she knew bloodlust when she saw it. The harold of carnage, former god of chaos, could give her much to drink before the end of all things.