Well I'm back! Here are all the ideas I would love to start! I have plot ideas for most of these but I won't put them here. YOu ask, you shall receive. Fandom Ideas (ones with * I am really craving, the more * there are the more I really want to do it) Doctor Who Sherlock (BBC or movies) Person of Interest Almost Human Sleepy Hollow Marvel DC (mostly Batman) *** Sailor Moon ** Shaman King Yugioh Naruto Nightmare before Christmas * Guardians (Jack Frost, Santa, Easter Bunny...) * Now You See Me Star Wars Lord of the Rings/HObbit ** Grimm * The GetBackers ******* (Really want to do this one) One Piece Digimon Haven MLP Disney Pokémon Code breakers Zatch Bell Genres: Fantasy Science Fiction ** Steampunk Rebel vs government ** Medieval Future Cyberpunk ** Conmen Pirates - past or future **** (I have a plot for both time eras) Limits At least a paragraph. Min. Swearing NO GODMODDING Post at least once a day PG-13 Sex Scenes fade to Black. If you are interested, please say below or PM me when PMing gets active. If you have any questions, also PM me or post below. Most of my ideas I have plot ideas with them, and I am open to other ideas as well! I am pretty mush into anything and willing to try anything so please.