[img]http://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjQwLmQ2NzE4YS5XWE5oWW1Wc2JHRWdUV1ZwLjAA/vtks-dear-love.regular.png[/img] Tagged: [@Dirty Dan] Ysabella had never seen such a glare on a human before, a look that almost surprised her out of her act. Inhaling shakily, she turned her head and pointed in the general direction that she had left Jolyne at. [color=f49ac2]"Th-this way. Hurry!"[/color] Still attached to the man's arm, she began pulling him in the direction she had arrived from. Sighing internally, Ysabella realized how tedious this particular hunt was going to be. As she pulled him along urgently she had to be careful not to use her full strength so as not to give herself away too soon. [color=f49ac2]"I'm so glad I found you. I thought we were goners for sure."[/color] Keeping her eyes fixed on the path in front of her, Ysabella gritted her teeth against her impatience. Already she was feeling the itch in the back of her throat, a feeling that could only be removed by consuming more blood. Sighing silently, Ysabella allowed a moment to wonder about Jolyne and how she was holding up. She had been pretty hungry when she attacked her, a thought that brought a small hint of a smile to her face. Feeling eyes on her from the crowd, Ysabella glanced out of the corner of her eye to spot who had seen her. For a fraction of a second, the woman's eyes locked onto a young girl with bright red hair before she disappeared into the crowd with the muscular guy in tow. [color=f49ac2]"Sorry, here I am dragging you into trouble and I can't even remember your name."[/color] She said, flashing a sad but worried glance back at her prey before hiding her face from him again, finding it rather difficult to maintain her composure under such an intimidating gaze. [color=f49ac2]"We shouldn't be far now, just around that corner. Hurry."[/color] Tugging a little harder to emphasize her words, quickening her pace from a jog to a slow sprint.