For Imgor: He returns back to the path to Oakstown, and after quite a while he arrives. As the name implies, most of the town's housings are made of wood, harvested from the silent forest. It's not that large of a town, usually hovering around a hundred people taking residence, but that's understandable considering it's proximity to the dangerous forest. You walk down the central road to the local Duke's small castle, walled roughly in the center of the village, yet the guards at the outer most gate inform you that they're not taking visitors currently. They also ask you why you need to speak with the Courts' Wizard anyway. For Alexander: As Alexander walked further into the forest, he'll start hearing things in the distance. The chirping of birds, the footsteps of vermin... It's marvelous how alive this forest is. After what feels like a half of an hour of wandering, (and making sure to leave a trail), he thinks he sees a fox in a bush somewhere eating a prey animal. Before you can see what it was hunting, another loud noise, but it sounds less natural... Almost like a firearm, or an explosion? Amaryllis and Nickolaus would hear it too, but much less so, sort of merging with the rest of the forests' natural noises.