[color=3d7213][h2]Tokyo Stock Exchange Ruins[/h2][/color] Kenji pumped his fist energetically. Saejima-sensei would forgive Kenji and Hachirou if they were saving the good people of Japan from foreign invaders, right? Right! [color=3d7213]"I know where the school these scumfucks are attacking is-- I walked near it damn near every day I worked at that ramen shop! C'mon, I'll take us to the front gates!"[/color] Kenji wrapped his arms around Hachirou, and the two of them were gone. [color=3d7213][h2]Bright Elementary School Main Gate[/h2][/color] The situation was rapidly spiraling out of control. These two miserable terrorists had long ago squandered their chance to surrender, and were now desperately fighting a war of attrition against the entirety of Japan's supply of cops, soldiers, and superheroes. It was clear that, whatever happened to them, it would end messily. Hachirou and Kenji appeared rather suddenly, twenty yards away from the school's front gate, next to the fence. After getting his bearings, Kenji peeked through the school's fence at the scene unfolding ahead of him. Sweating bullets and furrowing his brow, Kenji untangled himself from Hachirou, and very nearly screamed into his ear. [color=3d7213]"Those [i]fucking[/i] murderers! Look at them!"[/color] Kenji drove his fist into the fence, drawing blood from his own knuckles. [color=3d7213]"Alright, the big guys'll have this situation under control. What we gotta do is get the kids to safety! I'll teleport us both across the quadrangle, and we'll lead 'em out while those two [i]psychos[/i] get themselves killed. You with me?"[/color]