[color=Tomato]"Well I suggest letting Miles wear himself out fighting the others to start. He seems dismissive of you so he won't be keeping an eye on yo- "[/color] A loudspeaker comes on. [color=0054a6]"All personnel, prepare for the start of Operation: Mock Battle. Cadets, your plugsuits are in the changing rooms next to the Framewerk hangars. Suit up, prepare for deployment, and wait for further instructions. System checkups and communications are permitted."[/color] [color=f26522]"If I see anyone deploy their Framewerks prematurely, I will disqualify them!"[/color] He looked down as she spoke, already feeling like she didnt see him as a threat, not that he wanted to be a threat to her, but he felt the need for her to see him as a contender against the idiot. But she did have a point, let him be stupid to everyone else first and exhaust or expose himself. He was so focused in ward that he barely heard the blaring announcement. [color=Tomato]"Well speak of the devil. We better get ready. I'll get in touch when I get to my Framewerk."[/color] Krista exits the hall and heads toward the changing room. [color=0076a3]~So, do you like her?~[/color] Not a year ago, Romeo was with his brother while they had been going over him being the pilot and talking about the staff on the team when the talk wound its way to girls. What else were fourteen year old brothers supposed to talk about? At the moment, the would-be pilot was talking about a technician with her own cybernetic arm. [color=f6989d]~Um- well- I-~[/color] [color=0076a3]~Sure sounds like it if you cant say anything about it.~[/color] He teased Romeo, that soft smirk that only worked when you were six feet tall. [color=f6989d]~I donno!~[/color] He was mostly lost in thought as he went to the changing room and took off the kimono to reveal he was wearing his suit underneath already before walking on to get to his frame. Unlike most others, his drivers core was in the chest plate rather than the head. This made a significant difference when targeting areas but all specs had placed the pilots chamber in the head like a standard frame. Lots of little differences had been made, namely the sheer sparsity of his cockpit being a chair that he was fixed to. When things started to boot up, he was injected with a spinal tap as the chair folded up around him to the fetal position while the tapping device implemented its up-link with the chip attached to his nervous system. This is how a 14 year old boy coped with piloting a frame, he had a [url=https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brain–computer_interface]BCI[/bci] or 'bouquet' that constantly mapped and compiled his entire nervous-motor system so that when he paralyzed himself. There was more than enough data to move around with 'educated guesses' based on every step he has ever taken since the implant was set into him last year and reinforced with the physical training. The paralytic agent also served to protect his body from impact the same way a drunk driver walks away with only scratches, by being totally limp. [color=a2d39c]Ramirez, I have no personal quarrel with you, but before the end of this battle I'm going to make you wish you never brought that pathetic excuse for a machine into this battle. I'm going to beat you, and its going to be very embarrassing.[/color] [color=f6989d]Rappelez-moi de planter une fleur sur ta tombe, ou pousser un buisson d'épines dans le cul! Votre choix.[/color] To say it got to him was an understatement, but when he saw a different com hailing him, he opened the link. [color=Tomato] "Rose this is Archer, do you copy?"[/color] [color=f6989d]"Yes, I copy."[/color] His voice was terse but halted, clearly upset but not at her.