It was all like a distant dream for the Spirit resting upon the cradle of the Throne of Heroes. Everything, her life, the times when she had been, is and will be summoned to service by Gaia, all of that just a vague dream that lasts for eternity. And then she heard a call, like the sound of a thousand chimes ringing in harmony. Yes, she knew what that meant, someone other than Gaia was trying to bring a shard of her into the world with some complicated magic ritual that was beyond the Spirit's grasp, for it was always one who lived by the blade and spear, instead of by the book and staff. To the Spirit was promised the chance to have a wish, anything that she might desire, in reward for her servitude to a human that she would be calling Master until this summon had ended. The Spirit accepted the deal, not because she had any strong wish that she needed fulfilled, but because she wanted once more to thread the lands once ruled by her in times long since gone on the mortal world with her own feet, despite knowing that only a mere projection of her would be taking part in the ritual known as The Holy Grail War. To the Spirit were granted both knowledge of the world and of languages, everything that she would need to not be shocked into inaction when confronted with the advances that humans have reach over the course of the history, as well as a class, the definition and restraint of her abilities while the summoning lasts. From now on, the Spirit of the once brave hero would be Saber, the Knight of the Sword, most skilled of all Servants to take part in the Holy Grail War [i][color=fff200]"Fitting."[/color][/i] Saber thought as her vision faded to black. Once she regained sight, Saber was inside of a dark chamber were many humans, no doubt magi were around summoning circles meant to draw other Servants into the world. The men in front of her -her masters, very much probably- were curved in a lanky posture, as if he had been hit with a strong blow in the head and so were all of the others. [hider=Saber's Appearance] [center][img][/img][/center] [/hider] The small girl clad in a suit of heavy plate armor scanned the room once more before addressing her master and noticed an imposing man looking outside of the windows with his arms crossed behind his back. [i][color=fff200]"This is not how this should work, Gaia didn't told anything about this situation. For now I think that it's better to just wait and see what happens."[/color][/i] Saber thought before finally turning around to address the men in front of her. [b][color=fff200]"I, Servant Saber, came forth in answer to your summons."[/color][/b] Saber said with a firm voice as she stared both men with the imposing eyes of one who once ruled one of the greatest empires of human history, before continuing [b][color=fff200]"Thus, I ask of you. Art thou my master?"[/color][/b] [hr] [@OldManWong][@SlamJamcity]