Name: Marx Creegal (NPC) Race: Human (Earth Born) Age: 28 Gender: Male Rank: T-2 Appearance: [img][/img] Possessions: Standard GTC Skills/Abilities: Strong Telekinesis, martial arts, weapons, combat, GtC Security & Tower Procedures, Speaks broken Altenian, Terran, GNtC Common Personality: Marx is warm and caring, a loving individual who prides himself on his protective natures. He is usually clam, one of the few that react to Silvias outbursts but only because he knows she would never harm him. He likes to tease but can be as volatile as Silvia when provoked. History:Orphaned at a young age Marx knows nothing of his past. He was adopted and raised by a married couple of T-2 and grew up alongside Silvia. Though his ranking is lower than hers, he is not to underestimated. He has spent his life in the Earth Tower and has been protecting Silvia for as long as he can remember. When Silvia was first shipped off for Tower training he enrolled with Gtc security in hopes of being able to follow her and stay close. It did not happen but when she was shipped back to Earth time and time again he made it his goal to become head of security for the tower. Something he accomplished quickly.