[center][b]Yuriko[/b][/center] [hr] Yuriko began to worry more about Harashi and Hideki. She wanted to cry. Everything that was happening was just... so wrong. A 13-year old like her is supposed to be having fun with her friends in a sunny afternoon, not... running away from creatures that were trying to devour her. She wanted to cry, so much. But seeing Nikko's smile, she couldn't help but feel reassured. "Ah... R-right," Yuriko said as she kept her head low and held onto the wooden creature tightly. [hr] [center][b]Hideki, Yoshimi[/b][/center] [hr] 'Damn it... There's a lot of them,' Hideki thought as he slashed open a Wraith's head with his katana. 'This is a really bad situation for the shrine...', he thought to himself once more as he assisted Hiroshi in killing a Cerberus, as it let out a cold howl and then vanished into thin air. "There are so many of them," he said to the old butler. "Indeed... It's troublesome... But we must fend them all off!", Hiroshi said as he drove his sword into a Wraith, as it let out a blood-curling shriek and vanished. "We're at least managing to dwindle down their numbers...", Hideki said, panting slightly. "Yoshimi-san, are you doing okay?", Hideki hollered at the girl, who seemed to be doing fine on her own, but was also trying to help other people with their injuries. "Ah... Yes, I'm fine! I just need some help to get some injured people out of here... We need to heal them," Yoshimi replied as she set down a man who was injured from the fighting. Hideki ran to them to assure that they'll be safe as Yoshimi was healing him using her spear. "Ah... They stopped attacking...", Hideki said, seemingly tired from the fighting. 'I still didn't get to rest after all that running so I got pretty tired fast, huh...', he thought. "Ahh, I'm glad they stopped for now... Are you okay?", Yoshimi asked the man lying on the ground, the tip of her spear coated in water just over the wound on his arm which was slowly healing. "Y-yes, I'm fine now... Thank you, young mistress!", he said, but grunted since he tried to move. "I-it'd be better to stay put while I heal you," she told the man. "Y-yes... Okay," he followed her command. "Wait... What is that?", Hideki said in awe. A Nightmare had appeared in the Sakkaku shrine's grounds, and seemed to be very furious... leaving flame trails as it walked slowly, closer to Hideki. "What on Earth...!?", he said to himself. "Yoshimi, take that man to safety along with Hiroshi," Hideki said with a commanding voice. "Eh? But what about you?!", Yoshimi replied. "I'll take care of this thing," Hideki said calmly as he unsheathed his katana once more. 'I'm getting tired... Ugh...', Hideki thought. 'But I can't stop fighting now. This thing... looks really formidable, and I can't just lose to it,' he thought once more. "I'll keep its attention and you attack it when there's an opening! But first, get the casualties out of here!", he said to Yoshimi. She could do nothing but follow. It seems Hideki has a plan. But hopefully it's a good one. She began to move injured people indoors as Hideki faced off with the Nightmare. "Let's dance," Hideki said calmly as he charged towards it, katana in hand.