With the sturdy regroup and retaliation of the terminators coming close, the Heretic's find themselves wrapped within an ill-fated end. Deimos, launching all her weapons into the fortifications of the enemy, is the first to return fire for the terminators. [b]Heavy Weapon Mastery;[/b] [i]Deimos fires both of her weapons at half her BS[/i][list][*][b]Deimos[/b] shoots at [b]Cultist #7[/b] with [b]Cyclone Missile Launcher[/b] -Deimos rolls a [b]12[/b] for BS, Rerolling ones due to [b]Target Finder[/b] -Cultist #7 rolls a [b]3[/b] for BS -Deimos hits! -Deimos deals a total of [b]11[/b] damage! [b][color=ed1c24]-Cultist #7 is dead![/color][/b] >[i]Death To The Heretic; 5 XP![/i] >[i]First Blood; 1 XP![/i] [*][b]Deimos[/b] shoots at [b]Cultist #2[/b] with [b]Assault cannon[/b] -Deimos rolls a [b]15[/b] for BS -Cultist #2 rolls a [b]5[/b] for BS -Deimos hits! -Deimos deals a total of [b]1[/b] damage![/list] Due to her trajectory examination, Diemos was able to trace back the approximate number of cultists currently ambushing them. There is currently [b]15 Cultists[/b] in the metallic chamber, surrounding the terminators.[list] [*][b]Cultist #1;[/b] [color=007236]5 Health[/color] [*][b]Cultist #2;[/b] [color=007236]9 Health[/color] [*][b]Cultist #3;[/b] [color=007236]10 Health[/color] [*][b]Cultist #4;[/b] [color=007236]10 Health[/color] [*][b]Cultist #5;[/b] [color=007236]2 Health[/color] [*][b]Cultist #6;[/b] [color=007236]4 Health[/color] [*][b]Cultist #7;[/b] [color=ed1c24]-1 Health[/color] [*][b]Cultist #8;[/b] [color=007236]10 Health[/color] [*][b]Cultist #9;[/b] [color=007236]10 Health[/color] [*][b]Cultist #10;[/b] [color=007236]10 Health[/color] [*][b]Cultist #11;[/b] [color=007236]10 Health[/color] [*][b]Cultist #12;[/b] [color=007236]10 Health[/color] [*][b]Cultist #13;[/b] [color=007236]10 Health[/color] [*][b]Cultist #14;[/b] [color=007236]10 Health[/color] [*][b]Cultist #15;[/b] [color=007236]10 Health[/color] [/list] Chaplain Aleros, equipping his Crozuis Arcanum and igniting the fiery fury inside him, charges the 4 cultist responsible for the bullet holes within his armor.[list] [*][b]Aleros[/b] attacks [b]Cultist #10[/b] -Aleros rolls a [b]14[/b] for WS -Cultist #10 rolls a [b]8[/b] for WS -Aleros hits! -Aleros deals a total of [b]11[/b] damage! [color=ed1c24][b]-Cultist #10 is Dead[/b][/color] [*][b]Aleros[/b] attacks [b]Cultist #11[/b] -Aleros rolls a [b]9[/b] for WS -Cultist #11 rolls a [b]8[/b] for WS -Aleros hits! -Aleros deals a total of [b]6[/b] damage [*][b]Aleros[/b] attacks [b]Cultist #12[/b] -Aleros rolls a [b]6[/b] for WS -Cultist #12 rolls a [b]3[/b] for WS -Aleros hits! -Aleros deals a total of [b]4[/b] damage! [*][b]Aleros[/b] attacks [b]Cultist #13[/b] -Aleros rolls a [b]10[/b] for WS -Cultist #13 rolls a [b]7[/b] for WS -Aleros hits! -Aleros deals a total of [b]3[/b] damage! >[i]Death To The Heretic; 5 XP![/i][/list] Brother Rand pulls forth his power sword to disintegrate the nearest heretic.[list] [*][b]Rand[/b] attacks [b]Cultist #3[/b] -Rand rolls a [b]19[/b] for WS -Cultist #3 rolls a [b]9[/b] for WS -Rand hits! -Rand deals a total of [b]11[/b] damage! [color=ed1c24][b]-Cultist #3 is Dead[/b][/color][/list] [b]Power Weapon;[/b] [i]-2 Intiative next round to wielder.[/i] [b]Sustained Fire;[/b] [i]Future Ranged attacks against Cultist #3 gain +1d6 damage.[/i] >[i]Death To The Heretic; 5 XP![/i] Defending with his rifle, Zethidis blows chunks of flesh out of the nearest Cultist.[list] [*][b]Zethidis[/b] shoots at [b]Cultist #1[/b] -Zethidis rolls a [b]25[/b] for WS -Cultist #1 rolls a [b]8[/b] for WS -Zethidis hits! -Zethidis deals a total of [b]12[/b] damage! [b][color=ed1c24]-Cultist #1 is dead[/color][/b][/list] >[i]Death To The Heretic; 5 XP![/i] [s]-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------[/s] The heretic's, witnessing the terrifying might of the emperor before their very eyes, fight against their fleeing instincts to continue the fight. [b]Chaotic Enviroment;[/b] [i]+1d6 Leadership[/i] [b]Chaplain's Helm;[/b] [i]-1d6 Leadership[/i] [Center][b]Number to Beat;[/b] 17[/center] [list] [*][b]Cultist #1;[/b] [color=007236][color=ed1c24]-7 Health[/color][/color] [*][b]Cultist #2;[/b] [color=007236]9 Health[/color] [i]Automatically Passes[/i] [*][b]Cultist #3;[/b] [color=007236][color=ed1c24]-1 Health[/color][/color] [*][b]Cultist #4;[/b] [color=007236]10 Health[/color] [i]Automatically Passes[/i] [*][b]Cultist #5;[/b] [color=007236]2 Health[/color] [i]Flees![/i] [*][b]Cultist #6;[/b] [color=007236]4 Health[/color] [i]Flees![/i] [*][b]Cultist #7;[/b] [color=ed1c24]-1 Health[/color] [*][b]Cultist #8;[/b] [color=007236]10 Health[/color] [i]Automatically Passes[/i] [*][b]Cultist #9;[/b] [color=007236]10 Health[/color] [i]Automatically Passes[/i] [*][b]Cultist #10;[/b] [color=007236][color=ed1c24]-1 Health[/color][/color] [*][b]Cultist #11;[/b] [color=007236]4 Health[/color] [i]Flees![/i] [*][b]Cultist #12;[/b] [color=007236]6 Health[/color] [i]Automatically Passes[/i] [*][b]Cultist #13;[/b] [color=007236]7 Health[/color] [i]Automatically Passes[/i] [*][b]Cultist #14;[/b] [color=007236]10 Health[/color] [i]Automatically Passes[/i] [*][b]Cultist #15;[/b] [color=007236]10 Health[/color] [i]Automatically Passes[/i] [/list] [s]-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------[/s] [list] [*][b]Cultist #2;[/b] [color=007236]9 Health[/color] [*][b]Cultist #4;[/b] [color=007236]10 Health[/color] [*][b]Cultist #8;[/b] [color=007236]10 Health[/color] [*][b]Cultist #9;[/b] [color=007236]10 Health[/color] [*][b]Cultist #12;[/b] [color=007236]6 Health[/color] [*][b]Cultist #13;[/b] [color=007236]7 Health[/color] [*][b]Cultist #14;[/b] [color=007236]10 Health[/color] [*][b]Cultist #15;[/b] [color=007236]10 Health[/color] [/list] [s]-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------[/s] With losses rising, the Cultists terraform the village with the help of a melta-bomb. A large hole is soon demolished into the middle of the chamber, showing yet more tunnels that lead ever downwards. The remaining heretics retreat from their leveled cover, and take root in the tunnels under the destructive blemish. Suddenly firing [i]upwards[/i] towards the terminators through said blemish.[list] [*][b]Cultists[/b] are now present on the secret [b]lower level[/b] of the village[/list] [s]-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------[/s][list] [*][b]Brother Rand;[/b] [color=007236][i]2 Actions[/i][/color] [color=f7941d](Complete)[/color] [*][b]Chaplain Aleros;[/b] [color=007236][i]2 Actions[/i][/color] [color=f7941d](Complete)[/color] [*][b]'Brother' Deimos Kabal;[/b] [color=007236][i]2 Actions[/i][/color] [color=f7941d](Complete)[/color] [*][b]Brother 'Skullcavus' Zethidis;[/b] [color=007236][i]3 Actions[/i][/color] [color=f7941d](Complete)[/color][/list]