Darkness, blood, a flash of red on the ground. That's all Mesman could see from his one functioning eye. His eye lazily drifted around, gazing at the other poor sods assembled here against their will. Or maybe he was just the unlucky one to get hit with the hard-end of a stick. Groaning, he realized his hand was cut and being held, eyes going wide as he saw the circles on the ground. [i]"...The Grail..."[/i] he thought to himself, too hung-over from the awakening to be rightfully angry at whoever the fuck had gathered them. Realizing what position he and the others were in, Mesman was prepared to cast a curse of blindness, his free hand attempting to do...something to the circle. Anything. Hard for him to imagine that he was having time off in Holland, and then suddenly here, in the middle of bumfuck nowhere. His addled mind deemed it necessary to stop preparing to cast the blinding curse, given that he seemed unable to form the proper incantation. Glaring at the circle, he wondered who or WHAT was going to come out of it, given that any Heroic Spirit from the Throne could answer the call with no artifact to focus on pulling one. For all he knew, Adolf Hitler could come marching out. [i]"God dammit, if I keep thinking it, its going to happen."[/i] he cursed to himself, pushing his body up with his not-bleeding-hand as he layed his single eye on what would come from the circle.