“Mr. Pyschic?” he chuckled at her sarcasm, it was a good sign that she was still feisty. “Well, I can do my best to keep Grant away from you, if that’ll help you feel better. And it doesn’t have to be a couples vacation, though I doubt Hunter and Milli made up, I wouldn’t forgive him if I was her. Hell, I’m not very happy with him myself at the moment. But you guys should still have your girls vacation together.” Jar smiled and looked over at Lila with affection in his eyes “Just… let me have her for the nights.” Adelisa started to get worked up again, but she seemed less likely to be a danger to herself. Jar felt like he didn’t really need to be there anymore, Lila was her best friend, she could help better than he could from now on. Dela looked at the sleeping pills and realized most of them were gone and inquired as to where. Jar made an awkward face, yup, definitely time for him to go. “What’s that? I don’t know… Hey, Bombs. I’m gonna go for a run and then shower. I’ll talk to you later?” he hoped that he’d be able to see her later, but he’d settle for talking only if Dela needed her to stay. Before walking out the door, Jar turned back to Adelisa “It gets better Addy, I promise. And if it seems like it isn’t, you can always talk to me about it, phone or in person, it doesn’t matter when.” She nodded and Jar left the two of them alone. Once back in his own suite, Jar changed into the clothes he packed for running, a green tank top and black basketball style shorts. A lot had happened today, a good run along the beach and through the woods would offer a peaceful escape from his thoughts. Above all, he ran with a smile on his face, so very gratefully that Delilah was around to keep it there once more. This time around, they’d try to do things right by each other…