[h3]Neo Tokyo Exchange Ruins[/h3] As Kenji gave that spirited fist-pump, Hachirou couldn't help but give a thumbs up and a grin. After all, they were Yakuza and had to help protect all of Japan! They'd be in and out for a quick and good cause. Saejima-sama surely would forgive this departure to stop merciless terrorists who would strike a school of all places. [color=a187be]"All right!"[/color] And with that said, Kenji's arms were placed upon him. [h3]Bright Elementary School Main Gate[/h3] Hachirou knew that terrorists were endangering the people of Japan, but he did not realize the extent of it. These psychopaths didn't even seem [i]human[/i], because he swore he saw a dismembered limb. Just a single arm torn from a poor officer, with the sleeve from uniform still somewhat in-tact. One thing was for certain though, this was not going to have a pretty end. Looking on in shock, Hachirou grimaced while his pupils dilated. A series of tremors shot through his hands, as the grimace changed into a scowl. The man gritted his teeth, and shortly after that his associate Kenji made a rather loud declaration in his ear, followed by the punch and the plan. Hachirou turned to Kenji and gave a nod. [color=a187be]"Let's do it."[/color]