A cold chill blew up Jakob's spine as he awoke from his slumber. He had been dreaming of his days as a child in the Netherlands. The days when he had no idea that magic existed. Back then things were so simple. Now he found himself in a dark room surrounded by several other unconscious magi. His vision was red with blood from a deep gash on his forehead. That would explain why his head was throbbing so intensely. [color=662d91]"Where am I"[/color] He grumbled loudly as he attempted to push himself up. That, however, was a bad idea. When he put force onto his left arm he was greeted by a shocking pain. [color=662d91]"GYAAAA!!!"[/color] He let out a high pitched scream as he fell back down to his side. From what he could tell his left shoulder had been dislocated and several of his ribs broken. He heaved the contents of his stomach onto the damp, hay covered ground. He tried to move his hands so that he could heal his wounds, but with every movement a shock of pain was sent throughout his entire body. With how much pain he was in, Jakob hardly noticed the feeling of a blade digging into the palm of his right hand. Fading out of consciousness, the last thing Jakob heard was a cold voice welcoming them to war. The next time Jakob awoke there was a small-framed girl with white hair staring down at him and another man. She was clad in heavy plate armor that did not belong to this century. When she spoke she addressed herself as [i]Saber[/i]. This meant only one thing. The war that voice had been talking about was the Holy Grail War. Jakob struggled to his feet and resisted the urge to scream at the top of his lungs. Nothing had changed since the last time he awoke. He was still greatly injured. Placing both hands over his wounds, Jakob put all of his magical energy into healing himself. The white hair girl had asked him a question some time ago, but Jakob was too busy tending to his wounds to pay her any mind. [color=662d91]"This can't be happening. This isn't how the war is supposed to be."[/color] After he finished tending to himself he turned towards the man that was next to him. [color=662d91]"Are you wounded? Do you need me to treat you?"[/color] The man looked to be okay, but Jakob asked just to be safe. If he was bleeding internally that would cause some problems. It wasn't until now that Jakob remembered the question the girl had asked him. [color=662d91]"Am I your master? I can only assume so. I don't remember summoning you, but I do feel a connection between us."[/color] Jakob still couldn't remember anything. Why was he in this barn? This was supposedly the Holy Grail War, but it was nothing like he had read in books. It was nothing like what Lord El-Melloi II told him. Who was the man who had brought them here? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [@KoL][@OldManWong]