[i]Subject PKS 234-A remained in a silver lined isolation unit, the designated containment protocol for her followed in an almost religious fashion. There was never to be any light in the unit. There was never to be an object exceeding a weight of 3 pounds and a duress of over 4. 2 on the 10.0 Yamaguchi scale created specifically for PKS subjects. There was never to be anything with a protruding end or sharpened point with the isolation cube. There was never to be loose paper or books within the isolation cube. Subject PKS 234-A was to never be housed in anything other than an isolation cell lined with silver, padded with seamless carbon fiber down. This cell must never exceed a space of ten meters by ten meters and never be smaller than five meters by five meters.[/I] [i] Previous cell prototypes included a gravity sphere and a cell left hanging from the wall. Both proved to be dismal failures as the slightest hint of motion generated could be manipulated by PKS 234. Such instances resulted in the destruction of lab facilities and the taking of many lives. For the most part, PKS 234 was sentient and responded to communications by the lab staff. In exchange for cooperation, they would inform PKS 234 of the results and findings of current research. PKS 234 seemed to be extremely neutral during interactions and answered questions exactly to the letter, never divulging less or more than what was asked. PKS 234 seemed to show little remorse for the harming of human life after an episode at the chronological age of 6. [/i] [i] PKS 234 had an extensive record of escape attempts that quite contradicted its passive nature when extracted from its cell. Up until age 10, PKS 234 was rather docile with its researchers and would even play with them, albeit without saying anything beyond a few words. At age 11, PKS 234 displayed its first organized and intentional escape attempt. PKS 234 was less than 300 feet from the exit when shot down with a silver slug from a sniper rifle by containment personnel. Three months later, in the fifth escape attempt, PKS 234 intentionally killed research staff and containment staff, although a curious phenomenon had occurred. PKS 234 displayed a tendency to avoid killing any women around a height of 165 centimeters with short, black hair. The majority of these women were of Japanese descent. [/i] [i] More violent escape attempts ensued, a total of 76 documented and countless others undocumented because PKS 234 did not actually attempt to escape the facilities, but would instead roam and occasionally contact other subjects or staff. PKS 234 did not display aggressive tendencies, so it was allowed to roam. Attempt to place trackers on it failed. Attempts to implant trackers failed. Negotiations to allow them to plan a route and free time for PKS 234 failed. In essence, staff is reduced to pleading and negotiating with PKS 234. PKS 234 roams freely at night despite constant security measures being installed to detect where PKS 234 is or is heading. Or how it escapes its cells. [/i] [i] PKS 234 is also referred to as Atticus Fray, a name PKS 234 bestowed upon herself. PKS 234 is of the female sex, in the late most years of adolescence, and is of a distinctly Eurasian racial background. Her skin is fair, her hair is long and black, and her eyes a green. PKS 234 is known to prefer wearing seamless clothing, and usually wears solid black trousers, sandals, and long sleeved shirts. PKS 234 is attracted to the color green.[/i] [i] Atticus Fray, PKS 234 waits in her cell, sitting in the centermost area of her isolation platform. She is wearing long black cargo pants, black sandals, and a long sleeved black shirt. The grey thick strap of a sports function brassiere is visible over the collar bone. She stares rather blankly at the opposing wall. She is waiting to be freed in accordance with an agreement she made with other subjects within the facility. While she could escape this cell on her own, in theory, it exerts too much strain and forces sickness that will not depart until after she has been outside of the silver plating for at least 30 minutes. For now, Atticus Fray waits for her fellow resistance members. Atticus has no righteous cause, no real reason to want to rebel save for the fact that she is not enthralled or entertained by the facility any longer. [/i]